View Full Version : Ikonboard converted to vb 3.03

07-29-2004, 11:11 PM

I've converted Ikonboard 3.1 SQL to vbul 3.03. And not everything looks right. HTML was off in Ikonboard, but there are HTML codes stored in the database (Ikonboard thing) and just displayed as text. Turning on HTML mostly fixes the odd looking bits, but really messes up when quoting quotes are quoted and so on :)

The database is quite big, so it will be nasty to strip all the code. We can live with the quoting mess and tidy that up manually. But each of the 100,000's posts starts with <font color = '#000000'> and ends with </font>. &nbsp; ! and a few others are also frequently popping up. Would it be possible to modify the text parser so that at least these are ignored? We don't want HTML anywhere, just (custom) BB codes.

07-29-2004, 11:20 PM
Should make better use of the search function first ;)