View Full Version : make threads have no post count

Keyser S?ze
07-27-2004, 05:08 PM
i think this is neeeded for any forum

u get threads like "post ur desktop" or just a spam thread, and i would love to be able to disable post count for that thread ya know

not the whole forum, just a certain thread


thanks :)

Keyser S?ze
08-01-2004, 10:46 PM
no one thinks this would be helpful?

we make forums have no post count, why not threads

08-01-2004, 10:53 PM
UPDATE thread SET replycount=0 WHERE threadid IN (...)

Keyser S?ze
08-15-2004, 02:44 PM
well i ment more of a hack i dont want to do a query for each thread, just a "flip the switch" ya know

anyone? thanks in advance

Michael Morris
08-15-2004, 04:11 PM

This should work. Requires 1 file modification and 1 template mod.

In postings.php Find

case 'removeredirect':

Below it add

case 'nopostcount':

Next find

// ############################### start do open / close thread ###############################

Above it add

// ############################### start No Post Count Suckers ###############################
if ($_POST['do'] == 'nopostcount')
// permission check
if (!can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canopenclose'))

// check if there is a forum password and if so, ensure the user has it set
verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']);

$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread SET replycount=0 WHERE threadid = $threadid");


And now for some template modifications

################################################## #################
# Template modifications in SHOWTHREAD
################################################## #################

search for this:

<option value="removeredirect">$vbphrase[remove_redirects]</option>

Put this directly underneath it

<option value="nopostcount">Turn off Post Count</option>

search for this:

<div><label for="ao_rrd"><input type="radio" name="do" id="ao_rrd" value="removeredirect" />$vbphrase[remove_redirects]</label></div>

Put this directly underneath it

<div><label for="ao_dbump"><input type="radio" name="do" id="ao_archive" value="nopostcount" />Turn Off Post Count</label></div>

Again - I haven't tested this but I'm pretty sure (80%) that it will work since it's very similar to hacks I've done before. Backup your template, file and database first just to be sure.

What it does is create a radio button in your admin tools for the thread that, if you select it, will turn the post count for that thread off.

NOTE: I didn't provide a means to turn it back on with this hack.

Keyser S?ze
08-25-2004, 12:30 AM
installed but when i go to turn off the post count i get a white screen :(

any ideas?

08-25-2004, 01:58 AM
that is because no actual template or some type of redirect is called so nothing is printed;)

Keyser S?ze
08-25-2004, 01:17 PM
still doesnt work tho, i did it to one thread then noted my post count and replied and my post count went up by one

Keyser S?ze
08-31-2004, 10:10 PM
i could really use this hack if anyone could do it, it would be so appreciated



08-31-2004, 10:32 PM
if you want to disable post-count on a spesific forum (for all posts in this forum) you can do this in forum options...
go to the forum manager --> edit forum --> go to bottom and you have there "Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts" just check the 'no' box.

hope this helped ya :)


Keyser S?ze
09-01-2004, 12:56 AM
i know about that, i want to make a specific thread in any forum have no post count