View Full Version : changing standardredirection

01-12-2001, 09:58 AM
How can I change the standardredirection template, so it will redirect to the forum, instead of the thread? I tried using $forumid instead of $url, but I got an error, then I tried the whole URL+forumid and still got an error, somehow the standarderror template can't access the $forumid variable!

01-12-2001, 12:32 PM
The URL is built in the code. You can go in and change every place where standard redirect is referenced.

01-12-2001, 09:10 PM
I know that, but somehow the standardredirect won't get the $forumid variable

01-12-2001, 10:01 PM
It is in the CODE...

When the code decides it needs to build a URL to the forum it builds "http://www.yourdomainhere.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=$forumid"

But it only does it when you need to redirect to a forum. The URLS of where it redirects to is built on the fly depending on where the redirection function is called from. So in order to change it you need to go into the code and search for "standard_redirection" and rebuild the URL using PHP.

01-13-2001, 07:12 PM
Thanks man

01-13-2001, 10:04 PM
Has anyone a idea, to change make a redirection and the user dont see it in the adressbar?