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07-12-2004, 06:01 AM
About vBandavnced instaliation.

Ok I passed the instaliation etc..

But, in manual:

Creating More vBadvanced Pages
We have made it very easy for you to create new pages for your site using vBadvanced Homepage. It's as simple as creating a new template, and then linking to a specific URL. If the link contains the name of a new page, the content for this new template will replace the center news section on your homepage. Here's a quick tutorial on how this works:

First, create a new template called index_links (For example purposes - You may change the "links" part to whatever you would like). Simply put the content that you would like displayed in this template - There is no need for body tags, the $header variable, or anything like this - only the content.
Once you create the new template, simply link to it using something like: http://yoursite.com/adv_index.php?page=links. Simply add the suffix of your new templates after the "page=" part in the link and it will replace the news section of your homepage with the content of your new template.


Plz help !!!

07-12-2004, 06:04 AM

You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (http://www.vbulletin.com/members/membersupport_priority.php) (vB-germany users click here (http://www.vbulletin-germany.com/members/forums.php)) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive.

Thank you.

07-12-2004, 06:27 AM
I'm in net cafe now. But tnx anyway

07-12-2004, 06:33 AM
No one will be able to help you untill you confirm that you have a license :)

07-12-2004, 06:37 AM
No one will be able to help you untill you confirm that you have a license :)

Ok wait till my computer will be fixed.

But these passes is hard to remeber.

07-12-2004, 07:06 AM
Please note that you can not get an answer until you prove you are a licensed user of vbulletin. Also please do not open new threads about the same subject over and over and not especially in this forum which is not intended for hack support. Thank you.