View Full Version : Wanted: Hack for Hire

01-09-2001, 04:07 PM

We're working on an education site for the discussion of accountability issues - no domain yet - it is currently under construction at

for this site we'd like to be able to have users register and pick a usergroup to belong to without an administrator having to manually do this. We also want to have users do the email veryify thing if that makes a difference in thinking about the coding and how users get assigned to groups -i.e first they are awating emailverify then they become registered users - it is at this point that we want them to become put into the group they self identified and not the default registered group.

I was thinking since we're not useing all the member profile fields it would be possible to store that data in an unused field and pull it into the uergroupid field - that way the database wouldn't have to be restructured.

The idea is that we have eight groups we'd like people to choose from - Parents, Students, Legislators, Teachers, Teacher Trainers, School Board, Dept.of Ed., and Administration. The idea is that each of these groups would have their own forum and it would be write protected from other groups - it may end up read protected from other groups as well.

What additional information do you need to give me an estimate fo what it would cost and how long it would it take.


(617) 734-0290

01-09-2001, 04:25 PM
Left you a voicemail.

01-10-2001, 01:03 PM
This has been finished.