View Full Version : Many Question before I buy

06-04-2004, 07:53 PM
Hey all

I am looking to developing a Canadian version of ClieSource.com, with more news for Canadians on PDAs, But I am more then just a novice I am learning to builted this site using FireWorks and DW, I have been working on the design and understand the development side of DW. The idea is to have many features like from ClieSouce.com use vBullentin as that main database but with info being seen from many other pages like the front and news, also a Links Page.

But how can this be done? is it hard doing this using vBulletin.

what do you think??


06-04-2004, 08:00 PM
ClieSource, by the looks of it, use a custom portal/CMS that they have made themselves. Luckily there are several portal hacks here that you can choice from.:)