View Full Version : Please help me add this to sig stats

06-02-2004, 04:08 PM
hi again

ok now i am trying to add what i would think is a simple thing

to sig stats sig stats

I just want to be able to show the total votes on a from a

specific forum public poll

so i have the start of the piece of the code we need i think

im just not sure how to insert and really im not quite sure what to call

either. this is what we have



cache_ordered_forums(1, 0, 0);

if (is_array($forumcache))


foreach ($forumcache AS $forum)

above i assume this is calling the data


$nthreads += $forum['threadcount'];

$nposts += $forum['replycount'];

$totalthreads = number_format($nthreads);

$totalposts = number_format($nposts);

above is passing this data to the strings used by sig stats i assume

then we would have the part which displays the results but for a second we will ignor that.

what i have tried to do here at this point directly under $totalposts = number_format($nposts); is insert something like this

$datainfo = $pollinfo['$pollid36'];

$datatodisplay = number_format($datainfo['$numbervotes']);

i then just add Info: ?datatodisplay to then display in results to

its in red below

// ########################### OUTPUT TEXT ###############################

// Use \n\r to make a line break (only for use with truetype font SO FAR)

// Will be developed to use with default font soon

$output = "Members: $numbermembers Threads: $totalthreads Posts: $totalposts Online:

$totalonline Info: $datatodisplay";

$vorlage = imagecreatefromjpeg("$vorlagedatei");

$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);

well all it displays for me is a 0

I think the last part od the output text is fine

but i am missing some in the first part or here or most probably both

$datainfo = $pollinfo['$pollid36'];

$datatodisplay = number_format($datainfo['$numbervotes']);

if anyone can help me fix this it would be a great help

06-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Not really sure why you want want to do this but its different.

06-02-2004, 04:24 PM
ill explain a little for you then

we offer a free service to our regular members
when these members use the service i will want them to vote that the service worked well
then display in that sig how many successful requests we have handled

hope this make it a little clearer as to why:-)

06-02-2004, 04:27 PM
oops that explained why
the main reason would be a visual prompt of what regulars are getting
powerful for prompting new members