View Full Version : Auto Check Quote Reply in Message box

05-30-2004, 07:14 AM
Is it possible, to make it when the the quick reply button is pressed(with the must click option for the quick reply button set to no) it automagically places a check mark in the quote reply in message box???

05-30-2004, 09:06 PM
just add a checked="checked" at the input checkbox code of the QR template.

as long as you have not clicked on a special post, that whole checkbox is grayed out, and if not, then it's automatically checked (like on vb.org) ;)

09-18-2005, 05:06 PM
just add a checked="checked" at the input checkbox code of the QR template.

as long as you have not clicked on a special post, that whole checkbox is grayed out, and if not, then it's automatically checked (like on vb.org) ;)
template showthread_quickreply find
<label for="qr_quickreply"><input type="checkbox" name="quickreply" value="1" id="qr_quickreply" accesskey="w" tabindex="4" checked="checked" />$vbphrase[quote_message_in_reply]</label>