View Full Version : Activation Reminder on all forum pages?

05-20-2004, 03:19 PM
Hi all;
I have searched but found nothing. What i'd like to do, is that for those who are "Awaiting E-Mail Confirmation" to have at the top of all pages (or at least just the main forumdisplay/forum thread view page - sort of like those who are unregistered) a message telling them that they have not activated their account, blah blah blah, click here to resend email.. blah blah.

Once they activate their account, I always manually approve their registration, at that time, i'd like the message on top of those pages to say they are awaiting approval by an administrator.

Can anyone shed any light on how to accomplish this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

05-23-2004, 01:31 AM
... delete please.. forgot this was the vb2 forum

05-26-2004, 11:41 PM
thanks for your help anyway :) lol..

man none of my questions are being answered, and I even search hard to find the answers, lol.. I must have some toughies :)

But I did figure it out -- I'm slowly getting better and better :)

09-12-2005, 12:24 AM
the link for the user is also http://www.urlhere.net/forums/register.php?do=requestemail

You could mass email this link to all users that have not already confirmed their email.