View Full Version : Find A List of How Many People are Ignoring a User

05-19-2004, 09:32 PM
My company creates and runs online RPGs. We also run forums to provide community and support for our games.

We have a few users from time to time that make a nuisance of themselves, but not to the point that they are violating the letter of the terms of service. Also, since they are customers, I don't want to go banning people just becuase they are annoying.

However, what I would like to do is find out which users are most commonly found in people's ignore lists. If this was queryable, then I could possibly build into the code of the forum that if you got ignored by X people, you lost posting privileges.

This way, a nuisance customer wouldn't be able to blame me specifically, since it was a hard coded policy that was self-regulating.

I got the idea from IM client that have "warn" functions.

Anyway, is something like this possible? If I can't code it myself, is there at least a way to query this value? Then I could just periodically look up who is ignored and then manually turn off posting privileges for anyone who gets ignored by enough people.

Incidentally, ignoring people on our forum is pretty rare. There are only a few people that seem to ever get ignored.

05-20-2004, 05:28 AM
Nobody knows how to compile this sort of information?