View Full Version : Attachment Extensions on a Per Forum Basis?

05-05-2004, 04:34 PM
Background: A couple of our forums could be greatly enhanced by a subforum which would act as the moderator's file library. Only the moderator would have post privileges (custom permissions), and the "library" files would essentially be just attachments. I figure for the anticipated volume of library files, the customized subforum approach would be far easier than deploying a full-blown file libary hack.

Problem: I need to allow the moderator to post .xls, .doc, and even .exe and .dll files. Even though this subforum post privileges would be limited to one person (the moderator), it appears I would still need to add these attachment extensions to the global settings. I don't want to enable these extensions for any of the other forums, so that is a problem.

Question: This has been posted before with no replies... Is there a hack or hack suggestion that would enable custom attachment extensions on a per forum basis

05-10-2004, 07:44 PM
Nobody has any thoughts on this? I should think it would be a very useful hack. If no free tips are forthcoming here, would any of the vBulletin experts be willing to undertake this as a paid job? I need to make it happen one way or another. Thanks.

07-22-2004, 03:34 PM
Gah, no solution yet?!

07-22-2004, 04:37 PM
I have fixed a simple hack now that denies the user to upload a certain filetype (stored in an array) if he is not posting in an certain forum (stored in an array). Pretty simple but haven't made any config options yet.