View Full Version : Unregistration

05-02-2004, 09:05 PM
I really need this hack, a lot of people join in then don't post. After they get newsletter they start bi**hing and asking me to delete them, can anyone please make a script so when someone goes to like link.com/delete.php they can put their sn and pass and it will delete them from the forums database.

05-02-2004, 10:11 PM
I really need this hack, a lot of people join in then don't post. After they get newsletter they start bi**hing and asking me to delete them, can anyone please make a script so when someone goes to like link.com/delete.php they can put their sn and pass and it will delete them from the forums database.
I suggest you tell them to be quiet and relize they signed up for updates when they signed up for you forums ;)

05-04-2004, 02:18 PM
They still bug me to take them off and you know I run a hosting company so I don't really have time to delete morons who sign up then don't post and then complain.