View Full Version : Insert HTML page within POST

04-17-2004, 08:49 AM
Is there a way to actually have VB pull up a webpage from INSIDE a post?

As an Example I would like to create the Title of the cubjest etc in hte TITLE bar, but instead of typing all the information inside this window I am in now, I would create a link that VB would AUTOMATICALLY pull UP the html page and DISPLAY the page within the POST text area.

For me this would be a great feature on Content that ALWAYS changes etc, because it is faster for me to edit a ton of information that is within different html pages then EDITING the actual post themselves.

This would be GREAT for certain posts that are ALWAYS a changing type of Content.

04-17-2004, 02:50 PM
It could be done with a custom bbcode
( http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24595&highlight=bbcodes )
vB Code tag:


vB Code replacement:
<div align=center><iframe name="cwindow" style="border:0" width=500 height={option} src="http://{param}"></iframe>

vB Code example:


Use {option} ?:


Or something like that for vb3