View Full Version : Clear Installed List?

03-31-2004, 12:13 AM
Have clicked install on about 100 VB2 hacks LOL.

And I like to use that list to keep track of posts to the thread etc, but since I've upgraded to vb3, it's a pain to locate a handful of the vb3 hacks I've installed compared to the truck load of vb2 :)

Is it possible to have some kind of clickable link that will clear the installed list?

Thanks! :)

03-31-2004, 12:37 AM
Ditto :) I would love this too. Start anew.

03-31-2004, 02:09 AM
I wouldn't mind such a possibility either.

Oblivion Knight
03-31-2004, 05:55 AM
Heh.. you lazy people.! :laugh:
I went through the ones I'd installed manually, before we had the "Show installed hacks" link and uninstalled them all. I had about 50 vB2 hacks installed..

03-31-2004, 06:01 AM
That's not a very nice thank you to all of the authors whose hacks you installed and enjoyed on vB2, don't you think? What gives them the incentive to upgrade their hacks then? ;)

03-31-2004, 06:41 AM
That's not a very nice thank you to all of the authors whose hacks you installed and enjoyed on vB2, don't you think? What gives them the incentive to upgrade their hacks then? ;)
good point. :)

Dean C
03-31-2004, 06:55 AM
Or even better why not have a vB2 and vB3 installed hacks list :)

Oblivion Knight
04-01-2004, 10:36 AM
That's not a very nice thank you to all of the authors whose hacks you installed and enjoyed on vB2, don't you think? What gives them the incentive to upgrade their hacks then? ;)Well.. Since the vB2 hacks are no longer installed, why have them on your installed list? The idea of it being there is to keep track of the hacks you have running on your forums.

I say my thankyou in the thread, I don't need to keep their hack on my installed list to show them that I appreciate their work.

04-01-2004, 10:43 AM
Then you porbably won't have a lot of the hacks jumping from 1 version to the next with that attitude. I don't mean that in a harsh way, it's just that the coders spend a lot of time perfecting those hacks so you'll enjoy them and use them. How would you feel if you had a hack that , let's say, 250 people clicked the install button for but when the version changed and you were ready to re-do the hack, the hack count for that hack was sitting at like 7? That wouldn't make you feel like the people who installed that hack really cared if a new version came out, would it? ;)

04-01-2004, 10:49 AM
If people cared a little less about self and a little more about community and helping that community, then there would be no need to go off topic..

04-01-2004, 10:51 AM
How did we go off topic and how was I being selfish when I was referring to the hackers here as well as the members?

04-01-2004, 10:55 AM
I never stated anyone was being selfish.. I am only pointing out that too often people care more about their personal stats than they do about the people using their statistical building blocks..

Also, this is OT because it has nothing to do with the posters question. No need to take offense or freak out or get wadded shorts over a comment.. It is my own personal observation of this place and some of the people therein..

04-01-2004, 11:03 AM
Ok, ok, let's call a truce here. All I was stating was that the hackers that do supply code here ask nothing in return but a little appreciation and consideration for all of their efforts. Not just until a new version comes out when they're hacks are no longer needed. The hack count is just a small sign of respect and appreciation for a job well done and I don't think it's right to take that away from them because it makes it easier on you, the member, to read a list. Some of these hacks were not real easy to write and most good hackers won't complain about it so why should anyone else? If we could all do a little less complaining about the unimportant things and show a litle more appreciation for what's at hand, the site would run a lot smoother and people would be a lot happier. Don't you agree? ;)

Oblivion Knight
04-01-2004, 11:17 AM
I guess everyone has their own opinion on the issue.. :)
I can appreciate that the install numbers are a token of appreciation and respect for the coder's work.. At the same time if I'd released a major hack, I'd want to know a more accurate figure of how many people were actively using it instead of how many people appreciated my work by clicking install and not using it.

04-01-2004, 04:13 PM
i left my installs alone. If upgraded to vb3 and i use them. 'I would reinstall them'. I do like the idea of uninstalling all. I myself use the who installed as a origination tool.

04-01-2004, 08:50 PM
I think Dean C's suggestion would work best :)

Seperate them by vb2 and vb3 list.

That way those that still use vb2 can see the "popularity" of it, as well as it'll encourage those writers to updates their hack for vb3.

While letting those of us in vb3, skim through just our vb3 hacks without having to sort through the jumble of vb2 :)

04-02-2004, 09:11 PM
sorry, but that's not that easy to implement right now ..