03-28-2004, 10:00 PM
Badges Hackette v1.0, by Kaelon of Alleria.com. Please click [INSTALL] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=63154) if you install this hack so that you can be advised of changes and updates, should any be necessary.
vBulletin Versions
Tested on vBulletin 2.3.5 - should work on all 2.3.x and 2.2.x Series easily.
What it does:
This hack will enable you to develop and oversee a simple badge icon system for your users. Badges (or cards, awards, medals, etc.) are trophies that you can award users for their accomplishments or contributions to your community. The options for creativity are innumerable. This hack constitutes my second significant contribution to vBulletin.org in my years of lurking and periodically posting on these forums.
Special thanks to Erwin for his inspirational words and thoughts in various modification discussion threads on vBulletin.org. His simple approach design is the inspiration behind the elegant model used in designing this basic, simple hackette.
Support Policy
I will gladly provide basic support, given the simple nature of this hack. That said, I have no plans to port this relatively simple hack to the vBulletin 3 Series, and no permission is granted to port this hack whatsoever. I believe that given vB3's built in template conditions - which are similar to, if not based off of, Logician's Advanced Templates System - this entire hack can be simple a template modification on vB3. I will not provide advanced debugging support, however.
Version Notes
v1.0 -- Provided specific installation support for Logician's Advanced Templates System (see Part 3.0 of the instructions text file below).
This hack is simply a number of basic conditionals; it does not add any queries, it will not add any processes or functions, and most significantly, it does not adversely impact your site's performance in any way. That said, in order to get the most out of this hack, you should have a basic understanding of how to edit PHP files, and you should know how IF-THEN conditionals work so that you can get the most out of designing your badges.
Screenshots of the Admin Control Panel custom profile fields, the Badges as they appear in the postbit, and the Badges as they appear in the getinfo (user profile).
Badges Hackette v1.0, by Kaelon of Alleria.com. Please click [INSTALL] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=63154) if you install this hack so that you can be advised of changes and updates, should any be necessary.
vBulletin Versions
Tested on vBulletin 2.3.5 - should work on all 2.3.x and 2.2.x Series easily.
What it does:
This hack will enable you to develop and oversee a simple badge icon system for your users. Badges (or cards, awards, medals, etc.) are trophies that you can award users for their accomplishments or contributions to your community. The options for creativity are innumerable. This hack constitutes my second significant contribution to vBulletin.org in my years of lurking and periodically posting on these forums.
Special thanks to Erwin for his inspirational words and thoughts in various modification discussion threads on vBulletin.org. His simple approach design is the inspiration behind the elegant model used in designing this basic, simple hackette.
Support Policy
I will gladly provide basic support, given the simple nature of this hack. That said, I have no plans to port this relatively simple hack to the vBulletin 3 Series, and no permission is granted to port this hack whatsoever. I believe that given vB3's built in template conditions - which are similar to, if not based off of, Logician's Advanced Templates System - this entire hack can be simple a template modification on vB3. I will not provide advanced debugging support, however.
Version Notes
v1.0 -- Provided specific installation support for Logician's Advanced Templates System (see Part 3.0 of the instructions text file below).
This hack is simply a number of basic conditionals; it does not add any queries, it will not add any processes or functions, and most significantly, it does not adversely impact your site's performance in any way. That said, in order to get the most out of this hack, you should have a basic understanding of how to edit PHP files, and you should know how IF-THEN conditionals work so that you can get the most out of designing your badges.
Screenshots of the Admin Control Panel custom profile fields, the Badges as they appear in the postbit, and the Badges as they appear in the getinfo (user profile).