View Full Version : Is this possible? Location listing on left.

01-03-2001, 02:45 AM
Howdy from Texas,

New customer here... happy with just having bought vB.

Is there a way to display a user's location listing in the left-hand column? I'm not so much interested in displaying a user's registration date as I am in displaying where they're from.

What I'm looking for is similar to this:

Left-hand columns list users by name, posting rank, date joined, number of posts and where they're from.

I really like this feature of phpBB, a board which is starting to gain popularity. I know I made the right choice in going with with vB, but this is one feature which is very important to me. Willing to throw money at this if neccessary. Thanks in advance,

Chris Hurd
San Marcos, TX

[Edited by Chris Hurd on 01-02-2001 at 11:47 PM]

01-03-2001, 03:01 AM
*points to sig* Bio in Post.

01-03-2001, 11:05 AM
Thank you, Mike...

But I have one more annoying question for you. This does place the location
info on the left side, correct? In other words, not below the message, but in
the "author" column? Because that's where I'd like to have it.

I'm still fairly new to this, and the only other user discussing this hack has
their boards down at the moment (eva2000), so I can't see an example of
how this is being implemented. Thanks again,

Chris Hurd
San Marcos, TX

01-03-2001, 11:30 AM
yes, it does place it at the left side of each message.

01-03-2001, 11:33 AM
Muchas gracias. Sure appreciate the swift response! Thanks again,

Chris Hurd
San Marcos, TX