View Full Version : Journal (Community Blog)

03-20-2004, 07:12 AM
Ryangel's Journal hack is in need of porting/improving for vB3.

Please check with admin of .org before attempting this to see if this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=302863&postcount=87) public permission will suffice as Ryangel is hard to contact.

Currently, no one (that I am aware of) is working on this. Kurafire is developing a Journal System totally separate from this...not a port of this hack.
There have been a couple of attempts but either the person has decided to keep their coding for their own purposes...or else their hack just didn't work.

Should anyone decide to attempt this, there is a hack posted at evB (http://www.everythingvb.com/showthread.php?t=148) that might provide a head-start on it. The hack does not work...but it comes darn close to it!

UPDATE: 3/31/04 This hack still needs to be ported...as Gary has decided to join forces with Kurafire in developing a system totally apart from this original hack.

So, once again, is anyone willing to attempt to port this hack from vB2?

Gary King
03-20-2004, 06:44 PM
Sounds interesting I might give this a go; I'll reply back if I have something going :)

03-20-2004, 07:16 PM
Sweet! Thanks for your potential interest.

Anyone else?

If this hack could be made to allow different types of journals to exist on the same board, then you can get kind of "blown away" by the potential!

The same user could keep a journal about "my life in Idaho" and "my experiments with Polymonial Doomerflitchies" and "my short stories" or more commercial applications like "news from the head honcho" or "field reports from our top sales people"...

Some hacks accomplish small but important things...this hack seems limited only by the admin's imagination!

03-20-2004, 07:31 PM
Shinra employees released the vB3 port for this over at EvB is that helps.

Gary King
03-20-2004, 07:44 PM
Shinra employees released the vB3 port for this over at EvB is that helps.
What's the link to thread? I don't see it.

03-20-2004, 07:47 PM
<a href="http://www.everythingvb.com/showthread.php?t=148" target="_blank">Here you go!</a>

Gary King
03-20-2004, 07:50 PM
Yep I'm already there just didn't know that was Shinra.

03-21-2004, 11:36 PM
I'm just wondering if you could make a blog hack like people can customize their page, change the header, etc with their images etc etc... is that possible?

So its like users have their own blog without forums' interface (header and footer), just like php Blog software (for example: b2/pLog) out there, only its integrated with vbulletin and each users can get their costumized blogs.

Is that possible...? Thanks

03-21-2004, 11:40 PM
It was done and released for vB2. Ask Shinra if he'll port it - he seems like a very helpful and determined guy.

Gary King
03-22-2004, 12:06 AM
It was done and released for vB2. Ask Shinra if he'll port it - he seems like a very helpful and determined guy.
Yep Shinra already released one at EvB but it's really broken, doesn't work too well yet. I was fixing it up, then talked to Kura and how it stands now is that me and Kura are currently developing the EvB JS (EverythingvB Journal System.)

03-22-2004, 02:23 AM
I am a newbie and havent followed the history of the VB3 Journal hack quest but if he has the hack up on his site (http://www.shinraonline.com/board/journal.php) then why isn't it all set to go?
Any guess as to a release date for a VB3 Journal hack?

03-22-2004, 02:33 AM
I am a newbie and havent followed the history of the VB3 Journal hack quest but if he has the hack up on his site (http://www.shinraonline.com/board/journal.php) then why isn't it all set to go?

History (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=61503)

Prior to that, there were some who attempted to port this also, but decided to keep their progress for their own use.

This seems to be a "big" hack, so no ETA...but still great news that it is being done by some really experienced hackers (http://www.everythingvb.com/showthread.php?t=148)!

Gary King
03-22-2004, 11:12 AM
I am a newbie and havent followed the history of the VB3 Journal hack quest but if he has the hack up on his site (http://www.shinraonline.com/board/journal.php) then why isn't it all set to go?
Any guess as to a release date for a VB3 Journal hack?
I suppose he didn't document the instructions well then :p Many people tried it but they don't work; also there are many templates which have links pointing to his specific site (like <img src="http://www.shinaraonline.com...etc.etc." />

03-31-2004, 10:48 AM

03-31-2004, 11:13 AM
I still have the old synjournal code laying around, it is something ive worked with off and on but never really preped for release. I've always said that I plan on getting around to finishing it, altho I still don't know if I will ever release it to the public.

When I started work on it, I did plan on releasing it to the public. But an attepmt to get feedback from the community changed that as certain people decided to be very rude and hi-jack my threads.

03-31-2004, 08:56 PM
I'm sorry that happened! I suppose all "public" forums have a few rude rotten apples.

If anyone decides to carry on with porting this hack, I pledge to be their official guard dog, hall moniter & cheerleader all rolled into one!

Best wishes to you.

Gary King
03-31-2004, 09:15 PM
KuraFire and I are working on the EvB JS (EverythingvB Journal System), hopefully we can get it done soon :)

03-31-2004, 10:27 PM
Just a thought. (I am brain storming - no real idea on how complex or moronic it sounds, but WTH eh ?)

The user notes built into VB3. (Viewed on the profile page) would be easy to convert into a Blog. (Not for me, a coder :nervous: )

Make a mini-portal page to list the member’s personal Blog and other site info :

// this can be placed in the member profile accessed via link or image

// on the sides (right and left columns) all users blogs
Top 10,20,30 latest entries.
Top 10,20,30 most accessed by users
Top 10,20,30 most rated (avj. of all user votes 1-5)
// * any other things ..

// center table
Your personal Blog
$blogstat – privet and/or public hit counter stats
// *any other things ..


admin Options – same as VB3’s user notes

User options:
view, post, del comment made by others in your blog, cuss filter

/me goes back in his cave

03-31-2004, 11:43 PM
KuraFire and I are working on the EvB JS (EverythingvB Journal System), hopefully we can get it done soon :)

I'm launching my new site on the 17th (a phpbb community being totally rebuilt on vb3). If your mod could be out by then what a nice bonus for the members that would be. Good luck! I am eagerly awaiting and needing this. If you have paypal I would make a donation! thanks :)

04-01-2004, 12:19 AM
Just a thought. (I am brain storming - no real idea on how complex or moronic it sounds, but WTH eh ?)

I don't know how viable your idea is, either, "butt, Harry," how else are any hacks conceived? Maybe it is a great idea that some one will pick up on and try. :glasses:

Personally, I looked at this hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=63001) and asked if it could be easily modified to work as an "articles" hack and surprise! the author said, yes. And they may work on it for all of us.

Of course, the point of opening this thread again was to seek porting of the original vB2 hack. As I have stated previously, Kurafire and Gary's hack will be a great journal system (no doubt), but all original coding...not based on the previous vB2 hack. I have placed several links to the progress of that hack on evB on these forums. Seek and ye shall find them.

However, the original vB2 hack still is not/has not/will not yet be ported.

Maybe it isn't worth it...I don't know...at least no one seems too keen on attempting it.

04-01-2004, 01:46 AM
After some re-considering ive decided to make a effort at this myself. I am going to post a thread tomorrow before I leave for a few days with some of the idea's and stuff, hopefully this one will go better then the last :)

04-01-2004, 02:22 AM
After some re-considering ive decided to make a effort at this myself. I am going to post a thread tomorrow before I leave for a few days with some of the idea's and stuff, hopefully this one will go better then the last :)

I think that is great news! And thanks for giving us all a second chance to act with gratitude rather than rudeness. Hopefully, with your efforts and those of others, this community will have choices and prove that this is a collaborative friendly kinda place after all!

(BTW...please, check with the powers that be at vB.org that the link in my original post will suffice as permission to port this. One hacker has already had his work zapped because Ryangel has left the building. No one wants to see that happen again, I'm sure. :ermm: )

07-17-2004, 09:25 PM
i guess nothing came of this?

07-17-2004, 09:30 PM
there are 2 journals being worked on as of now, mine and gaming force's :)

Reeve of shinra
07-17-2004, 11:49 PM
A few people have worked on Ryangels hack from VB2 to make it VB3 compatible. It works and the latest releases cleaned up alot of harded coded variables.

I, and everyone else, would like to see the Choco-Journal or the one AN-NET or Brad.Loo have been working on released and a few people have said they will make converters from the aforemented port to these once released. So ... if your anxious to get started, then give it a shot and go for it.

07-18-2004, 02:25 AM
i am planning a port script for ryangle's if i was granted database access to view how the tables were setup ^_^

07-18-2004, 11:00 AM
what's i'd like to see is not a "i'm working on one" but a "hey, try this, it's in beta and i want testers"

many many many coders tryed to start a journal, none... i say NONE was able to finish the job... fame is not enough i think... just advertising that some lines of code are done is not good... some guys will hate you if you never release the tool, so please just talk about it when it's done!

DB8 MissingLink
07-31-2004, 11:56 AM
Thank you everyone for working on this. I can't wait to put one up on my forum - and my users are excited about it too. A few requests for additions taht would ROCK:

1) one of the best aspects of a blog is that it generates a lot of links. can we add a sidebar that lets each blogger manage their own multiple links - and maybe hardwire in a link to the hosting forum?

2) how hard would it be to set up one of those "right now I am HAPPY" option boxes with smiley (or frowny) faces?

Thanks again!

07-31-2004, 12:16 PM
Thank you everyone for working on this. I can't wait to put one up on my forum - and my users are excited about it too. A few requests for additions taht would ROCK:

1) one of the best aspects of a blog is that it generates a lot of links. can we add a sidebar that lets each blogger manage their own multiple links - and maybe hardwire in a link to the hosting forum?

2) how hard would it be to set up one of those "right now I am HAPPY" option boxes with smiley (or frowny) faces?

Thanks again!
i don't get your suggestion about the link box thing?

DB8 MissingLink
07-31-2004, 12:22 PM
I think it's called a Blog-Role.

Basically, one of the things that drives blogs is that they all inter-link. This linking is how they get discovered, and read, and it is based on a system of reciprication. The linking helps the blog, but it will also really help the forum, since each member will actually be tracking down and acquiring links to your forum.

Essentially, it's like a post that let's them input a url and url-name which is then put on a sidebar automatically.

For example:
http://tutakai.typepad.com/tutakai/ - the right-hand collumn
http://poliblogger.com/ - right-hand collumn
http://www.redlinerants.com/ - right-hand collumn.


DB8 MissingLink
07-31-2004, 12:30 PM
Here's an example of the user-interface.

07-31-2004, 01:22 PM
oh i should be able to integrate something like that for 1.2c of the blog release

are there any other features you would like to see.

07-31-2004, 02:37 PM
Yes, please .... if I am correct, your journal list displays the first 25 ... could you alter that to display them alphabetically and link to the next batch of 25, 25, 25, etc.

And the ability to alter it to display more or less than 25 per batch would be really great as well!

07-31-2004, 02:58 PM
i'm actually redesigning the journalhome completely so i doubt you'll get that, however i'll try and work in something so that it will call up a complete journal list.

DB8 MissingLink
07-31-2004, 07:43 PM
One more feature that would be nice. Some bloggers like to input entry for dates after they pass - so if you're away from the computer for a weekend, you can retrogressively upload the weekend's entries.

This would be pretty easy to implement, I think. Have the default setting be date-now, but have the option for the user to input their own date (maybe as a write-in, maybe as a drop-down menu).

here's what it looks like at live-journal. The values you see were auto-populated from the server, but they can be changed.

Thank you very much for doing this!

07-31-2004, 08:38 PM
i'm actually redesigning the journalhome completely so i doubt you'll get that, however i'll try and work in something so that it will call up a complete journal list.

Thanks! Any chance the list will be paginated in some form?

DB8 MissingLink
08-01-2004, 02:19 AM
Hey, I'm sorry to keep nagging, but I'm thinking of more features which could make this one of the best hacks here.

If you could somehow set it up so that each users' blog could be accessed at a simple, unique url that would rock. I don't know if this is easy, but something like:


which would point to their journal, probably just as a redirect page. This would make it easier for them to point other browsers to their blog, and build their reciprical link.

Ideally, admin could toggle this off and on, since they may want to direct traffic through their central forum to get to the blogs.


08-01-2004, 05:04 AM
Hey, I'm sorry to keep nagging, but I'm thinking of more features which could make this one of the best hacks here.

If you could somehow set it up so that each users' blog could be accessed at a simple, unique url that would rock. I don't know if this is easy, but something like:

www.yourdomain.com/journal/username (http://www.yourdomain.com/journal/username)

which would point to their journal, probably just as a redirect page. This would make it easier for them to point other browsers to their blog, and build their reciprical link.

Ideally, admin could toggle this off and on, since they may want to direct traffic through their central forum to get to the blogs.

That sounds like a simple task for mod_rewrite, not something you'd need a hack to do. I have done this to create dedicated URLs for user galleries and keywords, so I know it's possible.



08-01-2004, 09:55 AM
theirs a chance lol, i'll see gotta upgrade my forums (which will be this week) before i start working on this stuff.

09-08-2004, 03:10 PM
Any luck?

Thanks again for your work,


09-13-2004, 02:09 PM
haven't done that much got the journalhome (released on bf2) sorted just looking into some other stuff as we talk.

03-11-2005, 02:38 PM
I'm just wondering if you could make a blog hack like people can customize their page, change the header, etc with their images etc etc... is that possible?

So its like users have their own blog without forums' interface (header and footer), just like php Blog software (for example: b2/pLog) out there, only its integrated with vbulletin and each users can get their costumized blogs.

Is that possible...? Thanks

I found this: Plog 1.0
