View Full Version : DigiChat Hack

03-18-2004, 05:32 PM
Anyone working on coverting the DigiChat hack?

03-18-2004, 06:18 PM
Anyone working on coverting the DigiChat hack?
what is digichat?

03-18-2004, 06:43 PM
Chat Room software.


03-18-2004, 09:13 PM
Chat Room software.

Unless you could provide me with access to it or want to buy me a license i couldnt even touch it.

What language is it in also?

03-18-2004, 11:27 PM
How about this. Here is the original hack.

03-19-2004, 05:33 AM
I would be very interested in this hack to and would be willing to pay for it. As long as i could get someone to also make the hack so it works with hubz as well www.hubz.com

I had a hack made back when i had ikonboard but ditched that and related back to vb.


03-19-2004, 06:57 AM
Again, i can always give things atry if i have the source to work with, and again, what are they programed in?

03-19-2004, 11:42 AM
I would be very interested in this hack to and would be willing to pay for it. As long as i could get someone to also make the hack so it works with hubz as well www.hubz.com

I had a hack made back when i had ikonboard but ditched that and related back to vb.


I have something that works for Hubz. That one was easy.

<!--Hubz Code-->
<script language="JavaScript">

document.write("<APPLET CODEBASE=http://www.powwows.com/hubz/");
document.write(" CODE=com.diginet.hubz.applet.Hubz.class ");
document.write(" WIDTH=100 ");
document.write(" HEIGHT=100 ");
document.write(" MAYSCRIPT ");
document.write(" ARCHIVE=HubzApplet.jar ");
document.write(" name=Hubz> ");
document.write(" <param name = cabbase value = HubzApplet.cab>");
document.write(" <param name = nickname value = '$fileusername'>");
document.write(" <param name = email value = '$fileemail'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageImg value = 'webpageStatsImg.gif'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageChannelLoc value = '55,30'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageSiteLoc value = '55,55'>");
document.write("<param name=webpageFGColor value='255,255,255'>");
document.write(" <param name = pushContent value = yes>");
document.write(" <param name = editProfile value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = chatroomURL value = 'http://www.powwows.com/gathering/chat.php'>");
document.write(" <param name = persistent value = true>");
document.write(" <param name = profileURL value = 'http://www.powwows.com/gathering/member.php?&action=getinfo&userid=$fileuserid'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageChannelLoc value = '10,15'>");
document.write(" <param name = webpageSiteLoc value = '10,15'>");
document.write(" <param name = chatSkinImg value = chatSkinImg.jpg>");
document.write(" <param name = chatMessagesPos value = ?12,30,400,200?>");
document.write(" <param name = chatInputPos value = 13,256,280,50>");
document.write(" <param name = chatTitleLoc value = 5,5>");
document.write(" <param name = chatTitleColor value = ?255,255,0?>");
document.write(" <param name = chatSendPos value = '59,323,45,20'>");
document.write(" <param name = chatClosePos value = '176,323,45,20'>");

/* #################### USER ID ############################# */
id = getCookie("DigiNetID");
if(id == null) {
id = Math.random();
var dat = new Date();
dat.setTime(dat.getTime() + 365*24*60*60*1000);
var expString = "; expires=" + dat.toGMTString();
document.cookie = "DigiNetID" + "=" + escape(id) + expString;
/* ################################################## ############ CONNECTION SETTINGS ################################################## ############## */
/* The user ID used to identify the user. */

document.write(" <param name = DigiNetID value = "+id+">");
document.write(" <param name = server value = serverid >");
document.write(" <param name = connection value = tcp>");
document.write(" <param name = allowhttp value = no>");
document.write(" <param name = channel value = '"+document.title+"'>");
document.write(" <param name = site value = 1000>");
document.write(" <param name = port value = 6789>");
/* ################################################## ############ END ################################################## ############## */
document.write(" </APPLET>");
document.write(" <!-- End Applet Code -->");
function getCookie(name) {
var result = null;
var myCookie = " " + document.cookie + ";";
var searchName = " " + name + "=";
var startOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(searchName);
var endOfCookie;
if (startOfCookie != -1) {
startOfCookie += searchName.length;
endOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(";", startOfCookie);
result = unescape(myCookie.substring(startOfCookie, endOfCookie));
return result; }

03-19-2004, 11:44 AM
Again, i can always give things atry if i have the source to work with, and again, what are they programed in?

Hubz and DigiChat are java applets. We don't have access to the source code.

But if you look at the old hack, you can see how you can pass parameters to the applet so that thier name in the chat room is the username. I just need help redoing that part and the templates.


03-22-2004, 11:40 PM
So does anyone think they can do this?

12-16-2004, 08:55 PM
document.write(" <param name = nickname value = '$fileusername'>");
document.write(" <param name = email value = '$fileemail'>");
document.write(" <param name = profileURL value = 'http://www.powwows.com/gathering/member.php?&action=getinfo&userid=$fileuserid'>");

I take it that these are the three important lines when it comes to integrating the Hubz javascript so that it reads the logged in members of the forum. I've changed the url to my relevant member.php path, but it still shows $fileusername...

Any suggestions as to where I've gone wrong? Did I miss something? Or would the code be different now with VB3?

The Hubz javascript code is pretty much as you see it above. (mine is slightly different, with respect to appearance presentation only).


PS: The digichat hack that you might be looking for is here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=577964#post577964