View Full Version : Banned User Custom Redirects

03-18-2004, 10:54 AM
Maybe there's already something like this (thought I would ask before trying to make it):

When Admin bans a user, he has a custom field for a URL that the ban-ee will be redirected to. Customizable on a per user basis.


Send USER #1001 to a thread about banning (http://forums.seochat.com/archive/t-8628)
Send USER #2234 to a self-help group (http://www.passiveaggressive.homestead.com/)
Send USER #3292 to End of the Internet (http://www.endoftheinternet.com)
Send USER #4371 to the "You are an idiot" page

And so on



03-18-2004, 01:39 PM
I was wondering about this myself, I used to just edit the error message banned users were given in vB2, I can't seem to be able to do that in vB3.