View Full Version : Adding a table for including news or anything else

Bernd Glasstett
03-16-2004, 10:00 PM
I wrote this modification for a request on vbulletin.com (btw. Wayne Luke pointed it to be here, he thinks it to be more than a template modification...)

What it does is this: It includes a php-include-file in the phpinclude_start-template. And you need to add some lines to your FORUMHOME-template. And in the included file, you can put whatever you want: news, ex-moderators (that was it, for what is was designed, that's why it's called that way). The good thing is: You don't need to edit templates again, when you need to change things in this file. And as it is a PHP-file, you can add whatever PHP-code you want. The table in which you can write this stuff can be collapsed.

Templates to edit: 2
Files to be uploaded: 1

All instructions are in the ZIP-file.

If you have any questions, just ask :)

03-17-2004, 07:51 PM
I think I understand what this is....

would it be any trouble to give us a screen shot? Thanks!

Bernd Glasstett
03-17-2004, 08:49 PM
a demo is always better: http://www.comicforum.de/comicforum - the news are made with this :)

05-19-2004, 09:41 PM
a demo is always better: http://www.comicforum.de/comicforum - the news are made with this :)
Nice hack but I have problem with login:
may you help me?


06-09-2004, 06:14 AM
im not a wiz but isnt this
$vb = ob_get_contents();
supposed to be this
$vb = ob_get_content();