View Full Version : Auto Language Translating...

03-11-2004, 05:46 AM
It would be really nice if someone could make a hack for vb3 that makes it so that in your options, and as a registration setting it asks for a language...

I will use bob and tom as my example.

BOB Registers with his language field set to english...
TOM Registers with his language field set to FRENCH...

Everything bob types and sees in posts is in english, even in TOMS post. However, Tom sees everything in french, and he also types everything in french.

So basically it translates what TOM says to english, and what BOB says to french.

Nifty idea, this will allow global communication even if you do not know more than one language. And the awsome thing is, you'd be able to talk to them just as fast as you can anyone else!

03-11-2004, 05:56 AM
in order for this to work though, it would have to translate in all ways..

for instance...

english to french
english to spanish
english to german
french to english
french to spanish
french to german
spanish to english
spanish to french
spanish to german
german to english
german to french
german to spanish

ect.. for each language

03-11-2004, 09:42 AM
It could be interesting, but as you know, automatic translators are a bit bad, and everyone has his own abrevations, it would be difficult to understand.

03-11-2004, 03:01 PM
well, I know they arent perfect, but they are normally good enough to understand! Like altavista bablefish, when someone messages me in another language, or I'm in a chat room with someone not speaking english, I can always go there and translate what they are saying to english, get a rough estimate as to what they are saying, and then convert my reply to their language and send it to them.. they almost always understand me, but they can also tell your using a translator too.. Its still an idea, I think its a good one, but thats just my opinion.

02-27-2005, 01:52 AM
It's a great idea. Is it possible? I mean to design something like this that would run inside of vBulletin rather thanusing Bablefish (etc).