View Full Version : Removal of VB version everywhere public pleasE!

03-04-2004, 09:17 AM
Since I'm the only administrator of my vbulletin site... why do I need to know the current vb version I own PUBLICLY? It's ok to have it on the admin panel, but... since YOU post the leaks, bugs and exploits VB has (allowing bad guys to hack an outdated vb), what's the meaning of posting the VB version currently running on the footer and MYSQL errors?

This gives hackers advantadge knowing which version do you run and which leaks does it have... and I can't see any reason on why vb version should be public at all... nor even a marketing usage.

Sometimes it's hard to keep a vb updated, so...

how can I remove the VB version from all the footers and MYSQL error reports? on either vb2.x and vb3.x series please!


03-04-2004, 09:50 AM
You can take the version out if you leave the Jelsoft and vBulletin copyright notice there.

03-04-2004, 09:50 AM
It's good for everybody to know about bugs & security leaks.
Security by obscurity never did, does not and will never work!

It's also possible to find out which version of Apache you are running (which might be a biger target for attackers), so why bother for vB version?

03-04-2004, 02:14 PM
So... let's asume I have VB v2.x installed and I have no time to upgrade.

A critical security leak is posted and every1 is urged to upgrqade. I have no time to upgrade but ANYONE (not only a hacker) can use the exploit to mess my VBulletin in 5 seconds...

Repeat: WHY do my audience need to know which VB version I run? They don't need that information AT ALL, they won't develop anything for me on my VB forums... so WHY?

And on a secured system, there are ways to hide Apache version for example... at least mine is hidden.

03-04-2004, 02:32 PM
So... let's asume I have VB v2.x installed and I have no time to upgrade.

A critical security leak is posted and every1 is urged to upgrqade. I have no time to upgrade but ANYONE (not only a hacker) can use the exploit to mess my VBulletin in 5 seconds...

Repeat: WHY do my audience need to know which VB version I run? They don't need that information AT ALL, they won't develop anything for me on my VB forums... so WHY?

And on a secured system, there are ways to hide Apache version for example... at least mine is hidden.
You can edit the version number within the setting table to something useless like 4.0.0. This will confuse the new version notification system in the admin CP, however.

I know where you're coming from; I removed the vB version number on my site from all publicly visible templates because there is no need for anybody to know it.

03-05-2004, 10:23 AM
Cool, at least I'm not alone ;)


02-22-2006, 07:12 AM
I haven't yet found where to remove the vERSION NUMBER of the ADMIN PANEL LOGIN SCREEN.

Ive rereviewed all phrases and index.php, global.php and functions.php and yet no luck!

WHERE/HOW CAN I REMOVE THE VERSION NUMBER OF MY VB 3.x.x.y.y.z.z installation that appears when typing the Admin panel URL!?!?!?


02-22-2006, 11:09 AM
I think its a fase isn't it that you have to edit the bit of code out in the phase that displays the version number, not sure but I think you can do that to remove it from the footer

02-22-2006, 11:19 AM
I think its a fase isn't it that you have to edit the bit of code out in the phase that displays the version number, not sure but I think you can do that to remove it from the footer

U mean phrase? I checked all containing vbulletin but couldnt find the one using version number being displayed on the admin cp...

02-22-2006, 11:40 AM
Search for this phase name:


and I think is you remove the "{1}" that will remove the version number from the footer

02-22-2006, 12:13 PM
print_cp_login() in includes/adminfunctions.php

02-23-2006, 05:17 AM
print_cp_login() in includes/adminfunctions.php

Indeed! Line 121 of that file! thanks Nullifi3d!