View Full Version : Total on site

01-01-2001, 10:35 PM
Ok, well there are two different ones. The number of members logged in and the number of guests on the boards. How do I get it to say the total number of people on the boards of both guests and visitors. I have seen this on SitePoint and don't know how to do it.

01-01-2001, 10:51 PM
This is available in the code as it is. You don't have to modify anything. Just add $totalonline in your template where you want it.


<TR bgcolor="#6c6081" id=cat><TD colspan=6>
<smallfont color="#f5d300"><B>Currently Active Users:</B></smallfont>
<smallfont color="#f5d300">&nbsp;$activeusers</smallfont><br>

<smallfont>There are currently $totalonline people in the Community. Including $numberregistered members ($numberinvisible invisible) and $numberguest guests.</smallfont></td>