View Full Version : I've finally decided, I'm buying a vBoard!!

02-26-2004, 05:53 PM
OK, as the title says, i've made up my mind to purchase a board for my siteNeoGurus.net (http://www.neogurus.net), but before i go through with it i wanna make sure that the learning curve for such a thing isn't too far from my reach. Here are my concerns:

1) My hosting plan has 9 gig of storage and 50 gig of transfer space a month. Right now i have no worries about using all of either, but when my site grows into something a bit more I'll be expecting more and more bandwidth being used. So my first problem is how much space+bandwidth does a vBoard use? [use this board for example, or atleast an estimate]

2) Coding..I know a good deal of HTML and DHTML, some XML and Java, and have absolutely no knowledge of PHP or MySQL [although i have a few books about them but havn't had the time to look through them and learn them]. My 2nd q is; How much coding knowledge is required to operate it? And how much knowledge would i need to have of the subject in order to isntall some of the hack found on this site? [mainly the RPG battle hacks(they're perfect for a special battle system my partner and I created) and the store/item/card/triad hacks]

3) How do i go about making a skin of my own?

Those are the only q's i can think of, and from all the posts and help i've seen in other threads, i'm gonna thank everyone now. So, thanks for your help!

02-26-2004, 06:13 PM
OK, as the title says, i've made up my mind to purchase a board for my siteNeoGurus.net (http://www.neogurus.net), but before i go through with it i wanna make sure that the learning curve for such a thing isn't too far from my reach. Here are my concerns:

1) My hosting plan has 9 gig of storage and 50 gig of transfer space a month. Right now i have no worries about using all of either, but when my site grows into something a bit more I'll be expecting more and more bandwidth being used. So my first problem is how much space+bandwidth does a vBoard use? [use this board for example, or atleast an estimate]

2) Coding..I know a good deal of HTML and DHTML, some XML and Java, and have absolutely no knowledge of PHP or MySQL [although i have a few books about them but havn't had the time to look through them and learn them]. My 2nd q is; How much coding knowledge is required to operate it? And how much knowledge would i need to have of the subject in order to isntall some of the hack found on this site? [mainly the RPG battle hacks(they're perfect for a special battle system my partner and I created) and the store/item/card/triad hacks]

3) How do i go about making a skin of my own?

Those are the only q's i can think of, and from all the posts and help i've seen in other threads, i'm gonna thank everyone now. So, thanks for your help!
1. vBulletin (not vBoard) is extremely unlikely to use that amount of bandwidth (storage is not an issue unless MySQL is included in your quota) in even a year when starting out. It is impossible to be more accurate given style sets, gzip compression, the size and frequency of posts, etc.

2. You don't need to know any PHP or MySQL at all, or HTML either. If you know Java, you can pick up PHP very easily given that PHP is simpler than Java (in some ways, although it's far messier).

3. Experience. Modifying the colors is fine, to modify the overall scheme you just have to get a knowledge of each template and how it relates to others.

02-26-2004, 09:16 PM
The MySQL space is not included in the stats listed above.

And thanks! That confirms my decision to purchase one in the near future [gotta get some $$]