View Full Version : small modification to external.php

02-25-2004, 12:08 PM
Hello, Useing Carp http://www.mouken.com/rss/carp/ I am able to import the external.php from a freinds site

It seems to work great, except, Is there a way to remove the powered by statement from it. It tends to throw the display out of wack, I realize this is something either in a phrase or a template, Does anybody know where or what, as I cant seem to find it, to tell him what to change.

Here's my site, so you can see it, bottom left of homepage

Any help would be greatly appriciated

02-25-2004, 12:36 PM
I'd change CARP, as this is very easy:

In carpinc.php FIND

} else if ($this->insidechannel==2) {
switch ($this->tag) {
case "TITLE": $this->ctitle.=$data; break;
case "DESCRIPTION": $this->cdescription.=$data; break;

REPLACE that with

} else if ($this->insidechannel==2) {
switch ($this->tag) {
case "TITLE": $this->ctitle.=$data; break;
// case "DESCRIPTION": $this->cdescription.=$data; break;

Done. This way you can get rid of the notice on your side without having to change the RSS itself.

02-25-2004, 12:41 PM
Worked perfectly, Thank you very very much KirbyDE