View Full Version : Need Help Adding Settings

02-22-2004, 02:34 PM
Hi all!

I am a little confused with how permission fields are handled.

Yeah -- I am a neophyte. :rolleyes:

Ok, what I want to do on the usergroup level is to add the following settings:

Prune PMs: (I want to have unlimited for the subscription group and admin team and prune others over 60 days via cron)
Modifiable: (So that the admin team can change usergroups for a user like they would do in banning.php)
canchangegroup: (permission for mods and up to make the usergroup change)
I can see where to modify usergroup.php for the display, but cannot figure out how to make the changes to the database.


02-23-2004, 01:14 PM
Shameless bump. :)

Can anyone out there help me with the database element of this?