View Full Version : User Warning/Punishment System

02-19-2004, 04:46 AM
One of my users had a great idea for a user warning system. This would be a little different than anything Ive seen out there and should get your users to follow your forum rules.

Basically I envision a button in the postbit that mods can see that when pressed will add "X" amount of time the floodcheck (Minimum Time Between Posts)...

I currently have my post floodcheck set at 20 seconds. So if a user is warned I would like to add 30 seconds to the floodcheck for this one users. If warned again another 30 seconds is added.

If warned 10 times it would be something like this:

20 seconds + (30 * 10)seconds = 5 minutes 20 seconds. It would also be nice to be able to clear this value via vB's Cron process weekly or monthly and allow them to start over.

10-08-2004, 10:46 AM
Hello BarryA,

We've had something similar hacked into our previous forum and it was pretty effective.

10-08-2004, 11:20 AM
looks like you did not use the SEARCH feature here, isn't it ?!

10-08-2004, 11:25 AM
looks like you did not use the SEARCH feature here, isn't it ?!

Hello nexialys,

Actually I did, but I didn't found anything: my searchtactics must be flawed.

We want each group to have their own floodvalue and warned users get an extra penalty on top of that for each warning (Got Zero Tolerance WarnHack) or something along those lines. Didn't found anything for vb 3.03, maybe you can point us to something?