View Full Version : User ability to hide some text in a post to non users.

02-17-2004, 07:55 PM
I don't know if this already exist.
This is something that I need, The ability to hide text in users posts from being viewed by unregistered users.
Would be somthing like a vB code that hide every betwen the tags
this text is hiden for unregistered people this is not :)

What all you think? It's there something like this? point me there! :):ermm:

02-17-2004, 08:08 PM
I'm not sure about the bbcode to do this, but you can check to see if somebody is a user by using conditional templates. There's an example of it in the navbit template in your style for the userCP link.

However, maybe somebody more knowing than I can help you link it into bb code.

02-17-2004, 08:17 PM
I'm not sure about the bbcode to do this, but you can check to see if somebody is a user by using conditional templates. There's an example of it in the navbit template in your style for the userCP link.

However, maybe somebody more knowing than I can help you link it into bb code.
you cant use conditions in bbcode

02-17-2004, 08:22 PM
Similraties to the Lock Down hack, which isn't allowed.

Closed. Besides, you can restrict guests to viewing threads.