View Full Version : On the Fly Censor w/ vB3

02-17-2004, 04:20 PM
Hey... I did a couple of quick searches and didn't come up with anything, so I'm posting here to see if this exists. I'm looking to do it myself, but I honestly don't know where to start, being a n00b hacker.

I'm looking to do "On the fly" censoring, where instead of doing it upon posting, it checks upon page load.

I imagine it would need to make a mySQL query, which would then grab a "bad word list" and store it into an array. Then you'd need to compare every word before printing it to the "bad word array".

Has anybody done this? Or does anybody have a better idea?

02-17-2004, 08:10 PM
Sorry, I'm looking at this again and seeing its not real clear.

What I'm looking to do is to keep posts in tact, and have php compare each word in the post to the bad words list that it generates from somewhere (the one you can enter into the AdminCP), and if it is a bad word censor it using echo, rather than changing the actual text of the post.

02-18-2004, 01:10 AM
So you want it to check for bad words every time it is loaded, and only change what the user sees, not the actual post? Why? That creates more work, and no one will see the bad word anyway. Might as well let vB just nuke the bad word, less overall work.

02-18-2004, 01:35 PM
It already does this, you just need to remove the censoring parts from build_new_post() in includes/functions_newpost.php to keep the origional post intact.