View Full Version : End-User Options - Secret Admirer / Crush System

02-15-2004, 10:00 PM
No longer supported by the author.

02-16-2004, 05:55 PM
LMAO nice hack :D really like the Cilla Black touch ;)

Gio Takahashi
02-16-2004, 06:16 PM
HAH, thats a funny one. Good job with the hack.

02-16-2004, 06:36 PM
LMAO nice hack :D really like the Cilla Black touch ;)

Laugh you may, but I've only had it turned on for 12 hours on my boards and there have been 120 admirations through the system already.

On my last forum we processed 3,500+ admirations, two couples came about, numerous friendships, and a few people moved country. All of which is directly attributable to this hack.

If you've got a forum with a mixed sex community, you'd probably find this to be VERY successful.

It's titled 'admiration' not crush so that it doesn't necessarily exclude those in relationships from saying that they think someone else is cool.

Of course, on a teen site such a matchmaking system would go down a storm!

Worth every minute of the development time.

02-16-2004, 06:48 PM
haha our forum is going to love this, its a forums for Alex Parks who is a lesbian so as you can guess there is alot of horny lesbians on the forums lol. Thanks alot *clicks install*

02-16-2004, 08:28 PM
;) thanks for making this vb3 compatable. I'm definately installing

02-16-2004, 08:58 PM
I don't have the template "getinfo"...it was in my old vB2 board...but not in any of my vB3 styles.

02-16-2004, 09:07 PM
Also...where do I change the PM's to not say they are from "Cilla Black"? I looked in all the templates and phrases and couldn't find it.

02-17-2004, 01:23 AM
I don't have the template "getinfo"...it was in my old vB2 board...but not in any of my vB3 styles.
Getinfo was renamed MemberInfo in vb3. it would appear that the getinfo instructions have been left in by mistake, scroll down to the bottom of the install instructions to get the correct link to add to memberinfo.

Installed and working great, thanks a lot for updating this, my members really appreciate it.

02-17-2004, 04:28 AM
Also...where do I change the PM's to not say they are from "Cilla Black"? I looked in all the templates and phrases and couldn't find it.

You can do this in the functions_secretadmirer.php file.

It is at the top in the form of two constants... there are comments there explaining how to modify it ;)

02-17-2004, 04:30 AM
Getinfo was renamed MemberInfo in vb3. it would appear that the getinfo instructions have been left in by mistake, scroll down to the bottom of the install instructions to get the correct link to add to memberinfo.

Installed and working great, thanks a lot for updating this, my members really appreciate it.
GetInfo was indeed a leftover from the VB2 version... sorry, I only collated the files straight after work and failed to remove that line.

I've updated the installer... just ignore the GetInfo instructions if you used the installer downloaded prior to this posts date..

02-17-2004, 12:40 PM
GetInfo was indeed a leftover from the VB2 version... sorry, I only collated the files straight after work and failed to remove that line.

I've updated the installer... just ignore the GetInfo instructions if you used the installer downloaded prior to this posts date..
Some users on my site have asked if it's possible to limit the number of admirations a single user can make in a designated time frame.

i.e. to restrict each user to making no more than 5 admirations per month.

The logic behind this is that whilst you cannot admire the same person twice, it does prevent users just flooding the system with admirations in an attempt to figure out who admired them.

So it places a higher value on an admiration.

What do you all reckon? Something you want to see?

Also... it appears that users are receiving PM notification emails as well as their e-mail... I'm going to look at this some time... I think it's permissioning... or my logic with bitflags.

02-17-2004, 06:05 PM
If two people admire each other, then both parties are notified... and love is

LMAO, don't know whether i'll install this but that line is a classic. :nervous:

02-17-2004, 08:43 PM
Requested by a few people, I was planning on going to straight to release version... but I'm wise enough to have it tested by others first.

I'll iron bugs over the next two weeks and then go to gold with it.

So... from the top of the install file:

And below you can find the install file.

There is an upgrade route for those who installed it before (renaming a table) as well as instructions for a fresh install.


David K

UPDATE1: Fixed install to remove GetInfo reference which was a VB2 leftover. Included in install a line saying that the configuration is changed in secretadmirer.php.

UPDATE2: 2004-02-17 22:44 GMT: Modified ./includes/functions_secretadmirer.php as it was sending two e-mails instead of one if someone had PMs and PM notification both enabled.
Another mild update... it was sending out two emails for each admiration if the receiving user had both PM enabled and PM notification.

Now it just sends the one email in that case.

This only affected ./includes/functions_secretadmirer.php
So you can just upload that and it's fixed ;)

02-17-2004, 08:44 PM
Another mild update... it was sending out two emails for each admiration if the receiving user had both PM enabled and PM notification.

Now it just sends the one email in that case.

This only affected ./includes/functions_secretadmirer.php
So you can just upload that and it's fixed ;)
And of course I've updated the installer ;) I'm good like that.

02-18-2004, 04:50 AM
So far, so good. There was a little problem in editing the last template where it did not exactly match up. I picked the closest thing and it worked. This was the part of the instructions:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&amp;userlist=ignore&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[add_x_to_ignore_list]</phrase></a></td>

But other than that this thing is working good....probably a couple more installs and you can move it out of Beta mode. Thanks for your patience and efforts with this hack.

02-18-2004, 08:20 AM
So far, so good. There was a little problem in editing the last template where it did not exactly match up. I picked the closest thing and it worked. This was the part of the instructions:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&amp;userlist=ignore&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[add_x_to_ignore_list]</phrase></a></td>

But other than that this thing is working good....probably a couple more installs and you can move it out of Beta mode. Thanks for your patience and efforts with this hack.
I've adjusted that part of the instructions to this:

TEMPLATE SECTION: Member Info Templates
FIND (about 1/3rd of the way down within the 'button row' section):
<if condition="can_moderate()">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="moderator.php?$session[sessionurl]do=useroptions&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[user_options]</a></td>

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=admire&amp;userid=$userinfo[userid]">Register your admiration for $userinfo[username]</a></td>

02-18-2004, 10:15 AM
Well it's now processed over 1,00 admirations on my site, of which the only problem was a duplicate e-mail.

I've now requested for an available mod to move this thread into an appropriate place in Full Releases.


02-18-2004, 10:21 AM
Glad this hack is available. Good work with it. :)

Oblivion Knight
02-18-2004, 10:40 AM
Here's an alternative Cilla Black avatar for you.. ;)
I'm rather intrigued by this mod, but not sure it would be overly successful at my forums.

02-18-2004, 11:56 AM
I am using VB 3.0.0 RC2 and I cant seem to find the first change you have to make in the profile.php?

FILE: profile.php

FIND (near the very top):
'removelist' => array(

Any ideas please?

02-18-2004, 12:05 PM
I am using VB 3.0.0 RC2 and I cant seem to find the first change you have to make in the profile.php?

FILE: profile.php

FIND (near the very top):
'removelist' => array(

Any ideas please?
Well... you're only adding that stuff to the actiontemplates array... so take a look at the top of the profile.php file for the action templates block and add the secretadmirer stuff in there.

The instructions are written for RC4 though, and tested on RC4. As with other hackers I won't be making versions for each beta or RC version... just the very latest. Once we get to gold, it is then that I will ensure the VB3 and later versions are happy with the hack and I'll support it. Until then, you are on release candidate software and you should be at the latest level at all times (too many bugs fixed, let alone the two vunerabilities that Kier issued a patch for).

The best advice is to upgrade your forums to RC4 and then follow the instructions again.

02-18-2004, 01:03 PM
Took the advice thanks, upgraded and we are now all working.

I have a very busy forum and expect this to be used loads.

Thanks for your time in creating it. :)

02-18-2004, 02:53 PM
Im having a few problems. It said change it to your forum (the new templates) but i saw no where u had to change. I let it do it with the errors but where do you record your admiration?

02-18-2004, 04:00 PM
Im having a few problems. It said change it to your forum (the new templates) but i saw no where u had to change. I let it do it with the errors but where do you record your admiration?
The bit that says:

For each of the text files, you need to add it as a template of the same name.
Change the values within them to match your forum and personal preference :)

Really mean to personalise it for your forum... i.e. Cilla Black may not be what you want, so you might want to change the wording to fit the mood/atmosphere of your forum.

The template change to MEMBERINFO is where the ability to add admiration comes in. I'll make some screen shots now and add them to the first post for you so you can see what should have happened.

02-18-2004, 04:28 PM
Here's an alternative Cilla Black avatar for you.. ;)
I'm rather intrigued by this mod, but not sure it would be overly successful at my forums.
Hope you don't mind... but I'm putting the alternative Cilla into the installer package too... I always prefer it when those who maintain hacks merge suggestions and additions back into the installer for future users to benefit from.

02-18-2004, 04:36 PM
Screenshots can now be found in the zip file.

I tried posting them... but something went iffy and vbulletin.org thinks they're in progress and won't let me post them or delete them. I'll check later to see if vbulletin changes its mind ;)

Oblivion Knight
02-18-2004, 04:48 PM
Hope you don't mind... but I'm putting the alternative Cilla into the installer package too... I always prefer it when those who maintain hacks merge suggestions and additions back into the installer for future users to benefit from.No problem.!
I'm probably going to install this at my forums, minus Cilla and instead have "Anonymous".

02-18-2004, 05:08 PM
This sounds pretty damn cool, not really sure if I will use it but I definitely like the idea bebhind Greak work!

Oblivion Knight
02-18-2004, 05:20 PM
I get this error when trying to add the template secret_admirer_alert_email.

The following error occurred when attempting to evaluate this template:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in /var/www/html/forums/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3028) : eval()'d code on line 3

This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. It is highly recommended that you fix this error before continuing, but you may continue as-is if you wish.I don't quite understand why, but thought I'd better report it..

02-18-2004, 06:16 PM
I get this error when trying to add the template secret_admirer_alert_email.

I don't quite understand why, but thought I'd better report it..
Yes... Just checked... this should've been picked up by the beta testers ;) How did you all install it, eh?

I left some extra quotes in two of the templates... these were the alert_email and alert_pm templates.

I'm just going to update the installer for you... but in essence, where you find $vboptions['bburl'] just make it $vboptions[bburl]

Sorry for that... updating now :D

Oblivion Knight
02-18-2004, 10:27 PM
D'oh.. I should have picked up on that one too!
Installed and working well.. Not sure how popular this will prove to be though, as mentioned.

I guess we'll soon find out.! :D

02-19-2004, 05:28 AM
Is there a limit for the # of admirations a person can use. I can really see this getting very out of hand. My forums is mostly females so instead of everyone just admiraring everyone I would like a limit this as Buro9 asked aswell.

02-19-2004, 07:17 AM
Is there a limit for the # of admirations a person can use. I can really see this getting very out of hand. My forums is mostly females so instead of everyone just admiraring everyone I would like a limit this as Buro9 asked aswell.
Proving successful then ;)

I was considering adding limiters to the code as this was suggested on my board. The debate has continued though, and whilst a small minority are making a large number of admirations... the majority are only making one or two. Yet it is the small minority who are encouraging the majority to participate... and as no member can admire someone twice the minority do run out of steam eventually.

As such, I don't think I will be adding limiters to it for my benefit.

However, now it's stable I am thinking of doing a set of improvements to make it easier for others to offer translations and to take better advantage of the phrase system in VB3.

So if you can think of ways in which to define limitations (a maximum X admirations in the last Y days?) then I will consider including them as an option in the next version (hopefully still before Kier can get VB3 to gold).


David K

02-19-2004, 07:32 AM
Yes... Just checked... this should've been picked up by the beta testers ;) How did you all install it, eh?

I modified your notification messages and did not see that error. :)

Anyway, nice to see people installing this hack.

02-19-2004, 07:38 PM
Proving successful then ;)

I was considering adding limiters to the code as this was suggested on my board. The debate has continued though, and whilst a small minority are making a large number of admirations... the majority are only making one or two. Yet it is the small minority who are encouraging the majority to participate... and as no member can admire someone twice the minority do run out of steam eventually.

As such, I don't think I will be adding limiters to it for my benefit.

However, now it's stable I am thinking of doing a set of improvements to make it easier for others to offer translations and to take better advantage of the phrase system in VB3.

So if you can think of ways in which to define limitations (a maximum X admirations in the last Y days?) then I will consider including them as an option in the next version (hopefully still before Kier can get VB3 to gold).


David K

Well my forums are pretty much for others to hook up and since 90% are girls that are bi this is really going to get out of hand. Every will just admire everyone. Then just wait for someone to say it in return. Instead of just doing the ones they like they just select everyone.

1 a week is fine with me. Or 3 a month. Something like that.

For most sites I can't see this being much of a problem but I'm mostly on gaming sites or something like that is why. But on chit chat and people meetin sites I can see this being very used. In the first 2 weeks up and running I had people just join the site just to PM girls. So I had to limit PM access to users that actually post. I've talked it over with some of the other admins about this mod and they all love the idea of it just want it to have a limit.

02-19-2004, 09:43 PM
OK, I've added the ability to enforce limitations that you define... if you enable this feature it is one additional database query.

The changes I've made to accommodate this:
* Created two new indexes on the table to increase lookup speed - this is an optional thing, new installs will benefit from it.
* Created new config and code within functions_secretadmirer.php - you will need to re-upload this.
* Changed the code in profile.php - you will need to upload this again.
* Added a phrase to declare the limit is exceeded.

Rampag33, can you install the version I've attached to THIS POST and let me know if it solves your needs.

If it does and there were no errors, then I will replace the zip file in my first post.

Oblivion Knight
02-22-2004, 03:20 PM
Just to let you know I've updated to the latest zip..
All seems to be running well so far, haven't had time to test the limit yet but I'm sure it'll work.. ;)

02-22-2004, 03:21 PM
Alright thx. Downloading Will install after work today.

02-23-2004, 07:32 PM
Install no problems to report yet


I have it set to 3 admirations in a month and the only error was human error forgot to remove the table_prefix on installation :)

Thx for a great hacc

02-26-2004, 10:30 AM
Install no problems to report yet


I have it set to 3 admirations in a month and the only error was human error forgot to remove the table_prefix on installation :)

Thx for a great hacc
Cool, I've run it for a week without trouble too... so I've just updated the zip file in the first post to reflect the addition of the limiting code.

03-12-2004, 01:05 AM
ha ha ha - awesome hack.... however, i dont know if my car community (consisitng 95% of males) would enjoy it. :)

good work anyway!


03-13-2004, 12:41 AM
Is it possible to have the secret admirer report sent to the users PMs instead of via email?
There's something with the server configuration here that blocks all of the forums sent out emails. :(

03-27-2004, 04:46 PM
There is also a control panel option for the user to have a report e-mailed to
them showing them how many people admire them, their matches, etc.
Where is this located?

**Never mind - I found it. But what should the text of the report say? Right now it just says "secret_admirer_report_email".

03-27-2004, 06:01 PM
Where is this located?

**Never mind - I found it. But what should the text of the report say? Right now it just says "secret_admirer_report_email".

It should look like this:

And the zip file contains the TXT file named:

Of which the content is:

Hiya $bbuserinfo[username], here is you Secret Admirer report as requested.

Thus far, you have registered your admiration for $totalUserAdmires forum users... and in turn, $totalAdmiresThisUser users have registered their admiration for you.

Here are the people that you have successfully matched with:

Here are the people whom you have registered your admiration, but have not yet matched with:

You still have $totalOutstandingUsersWhoAdmireThisUser users who admire you, whom you have not yet matched with.


And the install file says:


For each of the text files, you need to add it as a template of the same name.
Change the values within them to match your forum and personal preference :)
There are five in total:


So it's all there :)

03-27-2004, 06:41 PM
Thanks! :) I saw that about the txt files but didn't know where they were. Thanks again :)

chris frolic
04-02-2004, 06:01 AM
Great hack.

I found a small avatar you can use for Roger Lodge, host of America's Blind Date. Much funnier to use for us folks on this side of the pond.


04-02-2004, 05:02 PM
Great hack.

I found a small avatar you can use for Roger Lodge, host of America's Blind Date. Much funnier to use for us folks on this side of the pond.

Thanks, I'll add it to the zip to make it easier for others too :)

chris frolic
04-02-2004, 08:33 PM
For his user info I put his website as www.blinddatetv.com and location is Los Angeles. I don't know of a birth date for him though. I also changed all the templates to say Roger instead of Celia. My users were laughing their asses off having Roger Lodge run the crush system.

04-06-2004, 12:41 AM
This is just whay my Singles board needs, but I am using 1&1 for hosting and I don't know if it will allow me to set up the table prefixes. They don't really let you access the database manually. Has anyone using 1&1 tried this yet?

04-06-2004, 07:25 PM
This is just whay my Singles board needs, but I am using 1&1 for hosting and I don't know if it will allow me to set up the table prefixes. They don't really let you access the database manually. Has anyone using 1&1 tried this yet?
It should work anywhere. So long as you have been able to install vbulletin you should be fine to install this hack.

Sure, you may need to create the database table by pasting the code into PhpMyAdmin or something like that (even vBulletin lets you run SQL in the AdminCP!), but the simple bit is that if you had permissions to create the vbulletin database originally and can perform updates (which usually modify tables), then you pretty much should be fine to proceed with this hack :)

04-06-2004, 08:12 PM
Thanks buro9. I will look over it again. I am thinking that this may be a little over my head as far as the install goes, but I do want to get it done. Luckily, I think I can get a friend to do it for me.

04-06-2004, 10:32 PM
This is just whay my Singles board needs, but I am using 1&1 for hosting and I don't know if it will allow me to set up the table prefixes. They don't really let you access the database manually. Has anyone using 1&1 tried this yet?Why can't you? Install phpMyAdmin to be able to easily work with your dBase in your favourite browser. As for table prefixes, you decide if you're going to use them or not when you install vB initially. If by prefixes your just meaning the new tables this hack uses, you can create them by running the queries in your AdminCP.

04-12-2004, 09:32 PM
/me clicks Install

Thanks for this great hack.

07-20-2004, 04:23 AM
Install went easy. Appears to be working fine. Thanks.

09-03-2004, 11:27 PM
For this:
$EXCLUDED_USERGROUPS = array(1,3,4,9,12);
Can we leave it blank so everyone can use it?

09-04-2004, 07:35 AM
For this:
$EXCLUDED_USERGROUPS = array(1,3,4,9,12);
Can we leave it blank so everyone can use it?
You can leave it blank, however you probably will find that you do want to exclude the unregistered users because:
* Spiders such as Google will follow the link and trigger false admirations.
* You can only have 1 unregistered user perform an admiration because of the way the database table works.
* The admired person wouldn't be able to reciprocate against an unregistered user as the unregistered user couldn't be notified by either mail or PM that a match occured.

So whilst you can remove the usergroups such as banned users, etc... you really should leave in the unregistered usergroup as otherwise it will be a bit of a mess,

09-04-2004, 07:44 AM
Yeah never thought about that... Just seen all them numbers and I belive since I am an admin I was in group 1... Why would I want to disallow admins?

09-04-2004, 07:57 AM
Yeah never thought about that... Just seen all them numbers and I belive since I am an admin I was in group 1... Why would I want to disallow admins?
Look at usergroups in your control panel:

1 = Unregistered
3 = Awaiting Email Confirmation
4 = COPPA Awaiting Confirmation

And then I have a couple of custom ones which I'm sure if you have the equivalent of you want to exclude too:

9 = Miserable Users (See the miserable users hack)
12 = Banned

So Admins, etc can all use it, but those who are anonymous or inactive are excluded, and those whom the board have banned or taken action against are also excluded.

09-04-2004, 08:07 AM
DUH I feel stupid now hehe
I keep thinking when I see 1 that its me because I am user 1..
Have not hacked a board in a long time and just setting up a new site with VB3 and going to shut down an old one that uses VB2* as soon as the new site is set up how I want it.


09-04-2004, 06:30 PM
Just had a great idea.... but may send too many emails...
send valentines cards on feb 14 from the admirers... ;p

09-29-2004, 03:45 PM
it is a really good mod, but i don't want to install it if i don't have any control over it.
i really need an admin section to check users aren't adding literally everyone to their list, and i need to be able to monitor new guests (like perverts and such ((as i run a teenager forum for a certain location )) and make sure people with 0 - 20 posts aren't adding more than 1 or 2 people )
some equation like, 1 person added per 10 posts (without informing them they need to post more to receive another, but rather inform them they will receive another slot "very soon" )

09-29-2004, 09:41 PM
it is a really good mod, but i don't want to install it if i don't have any control over it.
i really need an admin section to check users aren't adding literally everyone to their list, and i need to be able to monitor new guests (like perverts and such ((as i run a teenager forum for a certain location )) and make sure people with 0 - 20 posts aren't adding more than 1 or 2 people )
some equation like, 1 person added per 10 posts (without informing them they need to post more to receive another, but rather inform them they will receive another slot "very soon" )
I'll look at building X admirations per Y post count as an option.

This can be an alternative method of prevent flooding alongside the time based method currently available.

I could also do a usergroup based permissioning, this would let you use promotions to control the availability of the secret admirer thing via thresholds that you define through the promotion system.

Thus far there is no reporting whatsoever, and I'm afraid that whilst I understand your concerns re: perverts, I shall not be building a reporting system for this as I do not want my users to believe that just because I created a reporting function I do such things as examine who admired who, etc.

However, I'm not a closed source hack writer, and anyone who wants to make such changes and additions can do, and I will happily roll them into the first post for new vBulletin admins to get if they wish to use reporting tools with this hack.

10-11-2004, 12:52 AM
This is what I'm getting...

Parse error: parse error in /www/dragonninja/includes/functions_secretadmirer.php on line 109

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: secretadmirercreate() in /www/dragonninja/profile.php on line 2647

Any ideas?

10-11-2004, 07:59 AM
Strange, no-one else has had this problem.

The function it can't find is within the functions_secretadmirer.php file that you should have uploaded to your includes folder.

Could you check that you have done this.

If you have done this, have you changed your includes folder from the default path (it's looking relative to the profile.php file for a subfolder named 'includes').

If you have done both of those... have you in any way modified the chunk of code that the install instructions asked you to put into profile.php? Specifically the chunk of logic that currently looks like thus:

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'admire') {
$admiresUserId = verify_id('user', $_REQUEST['userid']);
$admireStatus = secretAdmirerCreate($bbuserinfo['userid'], $admiresUserId);
switch ($admireStatus) {
case 'DONE':
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_secretadmir er_acknowledged'));
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_secretadmir er_duplicate'));
case 'LIMIT':
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_secretadmir er_limit'));
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'admirereport') {
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_secretadmir er_report_sent'));

Therein lies the function calls and the include statement. If it cannot find the file containing the functions within the includes folder then it will not be able to call the function :)

Try that first (checking the file is where it should be).


David K

10-11-2004, 08:11 AM
All of my forum files are in the site root, and my includes folder is a subdirectory of this. I have added the code to profile.php as required...

I guess I should have also let you know that I get this error when clicking the link in the profile, to register romantic interest... Just to let you know. I was also admiring myself as a test - this seemed to work when I had 3.01 installed - it was working 100% [I'm now re-hacking for the 3.03 upgrade]. I'm usually pretty good at tracking errors down, even though I'm not too PHP savvy, but this is beyond me heh.

Thanks for your time buro9.

10-12-2004, 03:31 AM
I'm getting a database error when I click to get the report. Also, when I try to admire someone to test it, it says it's a duplicate. Any ideas?

10-26-2004, 03:29 PM
I've still not fixed this. Anyone having a similar problem?

10-29-2004, 09:41 AM
I've still not fixed this. Anyone having a similar problem?
Sorry, I'm in the wrong country, but if you could send me your profile.php file I could see whether anything is obviously wrong.

You did upload the two files into the includes directory right?

Do you have a phpinfo page accessible too? Not that I can imagine why this doesn't work.

11-21-2004, 10:16 PM
I am trying to install this, but I dont understand the mySQL part. could someone explain how I install this part in more detail please. The rest seems fairly striaght forward.



11-29-2004, 06:20 PM
thx ^^ it workx :D

11-29-2004, 06:51 PM
thx ^^ it workx :D
Cool, you figured out the phrases :)

The next bit, template creation.

Go to:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager

Then for each style... or just one if you have a master one... you need to add those text files as templates.

This is done by using the drop down select list and choosing Add Templates.

The title of each template is the name of the text file, and the contents of each file is the content of each text file :)

Couldn't be easier :D

Well... it could... but hey, this helps you learn the AdminCP stuff anyway ;)

12-06-2004, 11:56 PM
it keeps on saying....uve already registered ur admiration for the member....(no..i didnt register....it says the samething for everyone)

why is that?

12-07-2004, 12:45 AM
it keeps on saying....uve already registered ur admiration for the member....(no..i didnt register....it says the samething for everyone)

why is that?
You've created the database table right?

I use a MySql index trick to determine whether duplicates are being made... but the essence of that is that I catch a database error.

So if you have database errors, it would incorrectly report it as being a duplicate.

1) Check that the table exists and that you ran the SQL correctly.
2) Check that the table doesn't need repairing.

You can use phpMyAdmin to do both of those :)

12-13-2004, 02:01 PM
buro9, where should I send the file?


12-13-2004, 02:14 PM
buro9, where should I send the file?


PM Sent

12-13-2004, 02:29 PM
Hi David, email sent... Thanks a lot! :)

12-13-2004, 10:18 PM
All working now! Woohoo! :D

12-21-2004, 02:33 PM
Extremely Cool! *install*


01-14-2005, 11:42 AM
Working ok on swanseasucks.com

Although had to edit one of the templates as by default it has an extra /forum/ which wasn't necessary in my case for linking to the memberlist.

Hopefully when my site gets a bit busier with a better male/female ratio it'll become quite fun. Looking forward to Valentines with this one....

01-24-2005, 10:09 PM
Well, mine installed just fine, with just one strange problem: the first time you click to send admiration, you get the duplicate phrase. I've double checked the code, and its all correct. Any ideas why this is happening?

You know, I think I may know what the problem is: I missed "NOTE: You must replace TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix that you use on your VB3
installation... OR remove it if you are not using a table_prefix." So . . . can somebody explain that to me? I'm new to the SQL queries. How do I know if I'm using a table prefix, and if I am, what it is?

01-25-2005, 05:00 AM
Well, mine installed just fine, with just one strange problem: the first time you click to send admiration, you get the duplicate phrase. I've double checked the code, and its all correct. Any ideas why this is happening?

You know, I think I may know what the problem is: I missed "NOTE: You must replace TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix that you use on your VB3
installation... OR remove it if you are not using a table_prefix." So . . . can somebody explain that to me? I'm new to the SQL queries. How do I know if I'm using a table prefix, and if I am, what it is?
Good good, just got the email notification and thought... nope... not installed correctly.

The hack cunningly uses MySql trickery to detect duplicates... the trickery is that when two identical rows get inserted it causes an error. I detect the error and that's how I know that an admiration already exists.

However, it means I am basically masking MySql errors.

Anyhow... table prefix.

In your /includes/config.php file there is a bit that looks like this:

// Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.
// For example: $tableprefix = 'vb3_';
$tableprefix = 'vb3_';

Now, in my instructions I ask you to do this:


In phpMyAdmin or from the MySql command line, run the applicable piece of SQL.
NOTE: You must replace TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix that you use on your VB3
installation... OR remove it if you are not using a table_prefix.


userid INT(10) NOT NULL,
admiresuserid INT(10) NOT NULL,
datecreated INT(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, admiresuserid),
KEY admiresuserid_ix (admiresuserid),
KEY userid_ix (userid)


RENAME TABLE secret_admirer TO TABLE_PREFIXsecretadmirer;

Because you are a new install you are doing the CREATE TABLE bit.

Now, in that CREATE TABLE bit the first line says:


If your $tableprefix in your config.php file was blank (''), then that should be:

CREATE TABLE secretadmirer (

If your $tableprefix in your config.php file contained vb3_ ('vb3_'), then that should be:

CREATE TABLE vb3_secretadmirer (

So whatever your table prefix is... adjust the name of the database table to be created accordingly.

You only need to do this once, in that piece of SQL. The script can work it out when running, but because I didn't build an installer, I couldn't work out whether you have a table prefix.

Oh, and you will also want to run this which will delete the table that you made by accident:



Hope that all makes sense to you :)

01-25-2005, 10:45 PM
Perfectly clear, and now running perfectly! Many thanks!

01-25-2005, 10:56 PM
Buro, I've looked in my phpadmin, and found a table called "TABLE_PREFIXsecretadmirer". Now, I have no table prefixes in my config file, so I'm not sure how this got created. And, the hack is working fine.


02-02-2005, 01:20 PM
Buro, I've looked in my phpadmin, and found a table called "TABLE_PREFIXsecretadmirer". Now, I have no table prefixes in my config file, so I'm not sure how this got created. And, the hack is working fine.

See two posts above.

You must've run the SQL and then modified it to remove the TABLE_PREFIX bit and then ran it again. So just deleted the unused table :)

02-04-2005, 02:54 PM
Would it be possible to make this feature accessible from the user's postbit? So if you wanted to register admiration, you wouldn't have to go to the profile.

02-10-2005, 02:49 AM
Okay here's my problem.

No longer have the blank page problem - for some reason when I FTPed the file it didn't come up with the entire code. Who knows.

Anyhow, the PM's aren't sending like they're supposed to and neither are the e-mails.

Any idea?

02-10-2005, 06:53 AM
Okay here's my problem.

No longer have the blank page problem - for some reason when I FTPed the file it didn't come up with the entire code. Who knows.

Anyhow, the PM's aren't sending like they're supposed to and neither are the e-mails.

Any idea?

Check the install guide again and verify that you did everything.

Note these bits:


Under the phrase type: Front-End Redirect Messages

Add these phrases:

Your admiration for that user has been successfully registered.

You've already registered your admiration for that user.<br/> Maybe it's time to PM them and let them know you like them?

Your secret admirer report has been dispatched to your registered e-mail address.

Sorry! You may only admire a maximum of 5 people within the last month.

02-10-2005, 06:54 AM
Okay here's my problem.

No longer have the blank page problem - for some reason when I FTPed the file it didn't come up with the entire code. Who knows.

Anyhow, the PM's aren't sending like they're supposed to and neither are the e-mails.

Any idea?
Ooops. I replied above to the other problem ;)

Check that you created the templates:


For each of the text files, you need to add it as a template of the same name.
Change the values within them to match your forum and personal preference :)
There are five in total:


The text files are in the install Zip file.

02-10-2005, 06:55 AM
Would it be possible to make this feature accessible from the user's postbit? So if you wanted to register admiration, you wouldn't have to go to the profile.

Yup, you just need to add the link:

<a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=admire&amp;userid=$userinfo[userid]">Register your admiration for $userinfo[username]</a>

You may need to check and change the $userinfo array name to match that of the post... but effectively you should add the above link to the relevant part of the postbit or postbit_legacy templates.

02-13-2005, 10:14 PM
Installed and working perfectly....thanks a bunch....

03-27-2005, 01:59 PM
I like this idea and it would work perfectly on my board... is it Version 3.0.7 friendly?

I have a little concern though... spam. A lot of my members have chosen not to receive email from other members, and we don't send out any emails from the administrators... my concern is that people would now start to receive emails from the site they don't want. Plus, we have members that don't post, so I don't want them to be caught up in this when they are not interested.

My ideas, if I may be so bold, would be to add that user must have a minimum of X number of posts before they can admire someone or receive admiration from someone and second to only receive emails if they have "receive emails from other members" enabled, otherwise the admirations are just sent to their report when they are ready to view.

just a couple thoughts... but great idea! hope I can add it to my board soon!

03-27-2005, 02:13 PM
I like this idea and it would work perfectly on my board... is it Version 3.0.7 friendly?

I have a little concern though... spam. A lot of my members have chosen not to receive email from other members, and we don't send out any emails from the administrators... my concern is that people would now start to receive emails from the site they don't want. Plus, we have members that don't post, so I don't want them to be caught up in this when they are not interested.

My ideas, if I may be so bold, would be to add that user must have a minimum of X number of posts before they can admire someone or receive admiration from someone and second to only receive emails if they have "receive emails from other members" enabled, otherwise the admirations are just sent to their report when they are ready to view.

just a couple thoughts... but great idea! hope I can add it to my board soon!
It is 3.0.7 friendly... it's mostly self-contained with only one new block needing to be added to the existing code to call the self-contained stuff.

As for the no email thing... take a look through the code and comment that bit out, you'll find it's quit simple :)

And you can also do the minimum posts thing... when you add the link to the member info page, just put a conditional around it to check that the post qty for that user is above whatever value you want to use :)

03-29-2005, 04:15 PM
just a shot in the dark here, but in the "functions_secretadmirer.php" could I replace this
// Send an email if we couldn't send a PM
if (!($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['receivepm'])) {
// Get the Email message
with this?
// Send an email if we couldn't send a PM
if (!($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['receivepm'] & $vboptions['showemail'] & $vboptions['adminemail'])) {
// Get the Email message
all new to this stuff, but my attempt here is to check if the user has enabled both "Receive Email from Administrators" and "receive emails from other members". if not, no email is sent.

am I close? :ermm:

03-29-2005, 09:24 PM
just a shot in the dark here, but in the "functions_secretadmirer.php" could I replace this
// Send an email if we couldn't send a PM
if (!($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['receivepm'])) {
// Get the Email message
with this?
// Send an email if we couldn't send a PM
if (!($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['receivepm'] & $vboptions['showemail'] & $vboptions['adminemail'])) {
// Get the Email message
all new to this stuff, but my attempt here is to check if the user has enabled both "Receive Email from Administrators" and "receive emails from other members". if not, no email is sent.

am I close? :ermm:
Nice try but that wouldn't work.

There are two bitflag fields that contain the bits that indicate whether a user allows emails on those two criteria.

Those values are defined in includes/init.php

Namely they are these rows in the $_USEROPTIONS array:
'adminemail' => 16,
'showemail' => 256,

And the sum of the bits is the bitflag in $notifyUser['options'].

You would perform the logic roughly like this, but beware, the & is not doing what you think it is... you might want to look at the PHP manual regarding bitwise operators.

// Send an email if we couldn't send a PM
if (!($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['receivepm']) &&
($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['showemail']) &&
($notifyUser['options'] & $_USEROPTIONS['adminemail'])) {
// Get the Email message

Which basically checks that they cannot already receive PM's, but that they ARE able to receive emails from both other users and admins.

Bitwise operators can be daunting when you first encounter them, so let me show you very quickly how they work.

Basically you take numbers that are of the power of 2.


If we presumed that they represented letters of the alphabet:

1 = A
2 = B
4 = C
8 = D
16 = E
32 = F

Then we could build a value that encapsulated which of those letters we wanted to store.

Example, we want to store options A and C... so it's 1 + 5 = 6.
To store A, D, F it is 1 + 8 +32 = 41.

Given any number you simply subtract the largest value you can to determine your options:
41 - 32 (F) = 9
9 - 8 (D) = 1
1 - 1 (A) = 0

So we know that 41 included the values for F, D and A.

The options field basically stores a bitflag number like that, and the plain & in the logic is not the same as &&, but is a bitwise operator that indicates whether the bitflag contains the desired bits.

So the example above should do it for you :)

03-30-2005, 12:17 AM
I would say you know what you are doing... this is WAY out of my league!!! I am far from knowing anything about php, let alone hacking it... I just came up with that change by looking at other code in vb, which I am still very new to as well.... but if you say your change will work? thanks very much! love it! always want to avoid those unwanted emails for my members anyway I can...

thank you

03-31-2005, 10:39 PM
Can anyone who has installed this hack successfully please help me with the DATABASE WORK i do not understand this part below help please


In phpMyAdmin or from the MySql command line, run the applicable piece of SQL.
NOTE: You must replace TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix that you use on your VB3
installation... OR remove it if you are not using a table_prefix.


userid INT(10) NOT NULL,
admiresuserid INT(10) NOT NULL,
datecreated INT(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, admiresuserid),
KEY admiresuserid_ix (admiresuserid),
KEY userid_ix (userid)

04-01-2005, 03:52 AM
Can anyone who has installed this hack successfully please help me with the DATABASE WORK i do not understand this part below help please


In phpMyAdmin or from the MySql command line, run the applicable piece of SQL.
NOTE: You must replace TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix that you use on your VB3
installation... OR remove it if you are not using a table_prefix.


userid INT(10) NOT NULL,
admiresuserid INT(10) NOT NULL,
datecreated INT(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, admiresuserid),
KEY admiresuserid_ix (admiresuserid),
KEY userid_ix (userid)

In your ./includes/config.php file you have a setting named $table_prefix.

In the first line of this query is this line:

If your table prefix setting = "vb3_" then you should change that line to:
CREATE TABLE vb3_secretadmirer (

If your table prefix setting = "forum_" then you should change that line to:
CREATE TABLE forum_secretadmirer (

If your table prefix is blank or empty then you should change that line to:
CREATE TABLE secretadmirer (

Once your have made that change then you should run that SQL query in a program like PhpMySql and it will create the table for you :)

04-01-2005, 08:31 AM
i seem to be getting a blank page when click on the admiration link on the profile, i have done everything except this section - i really couldnt understand it:


Under the phrase type: Front-End Redirect Messages

Add these phrases:

Your admiration for that user has been successfully registered.

You've already registered your admiration for that user.<br/> Maybe it's time to PM them and let them know you like them?

Your secret admirer report has been dispatched to your registered e-mail address.

Sorry! You may only admire a maximum of 5 people within the last month.

-- where on earth do you add this?

vb version: 3.07

any help would be greatly appreciated

04-01-2005, 08:46 AM
In your admin control panel, in the left hand menu:

AdminCP > Languages & Phrases > Phrase Manager

And then at the bottom of the page there is an "Add New Phrase" button.

When you add a phrase it asks you three things:
Which group to put them in: The answer = Front-End Redirect Messages
What the phrase name is: These are the lines like: secretadmirer_acknowledged
What the phrase text is: These are the lines like: Your admiration for that user has been successfully registered.

You need to insert each phrase.

I need to build an installer ;)

04-01-2005, 09:55 PM
Could you please help me Buro9 when i install I get the error message below

Warning: main(./includes/functions_secretadmirer.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /profile.php on line 2619

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './includes/functions_secretadmirer.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/naijawor/public_html/profile.php on line 2619

and my Usercp page is broken on the left side of it which is the menus or items borders is broken.

Please help thanks

04-05-2005, 03:59 PM
I just installed the secret admirer hack. Now I was able to get it to work but when you go to user cp the link it is displaced the table is all messed and the secret admirer report link is outside the from where other links are also, the private message folder inbox is supposed to be at the top not below where it is now. You can see a what i'm talking about using the link below


can someone tell me how to correct this please

I will truely appreciate it thanks

04-05-2005, 09:24 PM
osariase, if you can uninstall and wait until mid next week I will create an installer.

If you can't wait, then I think you either put the addition outside of your HTML table or did not close one of the tags.

Have you already hacked the UserCP template in any way? Even with an installer these bits you would have to do by hand.

You can email me a copy of that template if you wish and I will adjust it for you: david (at) buro9 (dot) com

04-06-2005, 03:50 PM
Thanks Buro9
I will wait I love this hack too much to have it half and half. How do I know when you have an installer? do I send you an email to ask or u will post it?

let me know please thanks man for your efforts

04-06-2005, 05:18 PM
When I've built the installer I will send an update to those who have marked themselves as having installed this hack.

That means you get an email or PM from this site advising you :)

04-13-2005, 02:47 PM
Hi Buro9,
I finally got your hack working and its a beautiful hack I must say, kudos to you man. I want to thank you very much for your help, and if there are any additions to this hack please I would like to know about it thanks man

good job!!

04-14-2005, 08:51 AM
Hi Buro9,
I finally got your hack working and its a beautiful hack I must say, kudos to you man. I want to thank you very much for your help, and if there are any additions to this hack please I would like to know about it thanks man

good job!!
I'm glad you got it working... I managed to corrupt my main hard drive and am currently without a computer at home on which to build an installer... so that is now delayed until I get my computer working again.

I think I will mkae some updates... additions to the admincp for the options.

It may be a while though... need a computer first ;)

04-18-2005, 02:39 PM
Hello ,
I dont seem to find what i have done wrong, the process seems easy
YET i got , Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting '(' in /home/personal/public_html/forum/profile.php on line 2268

This is ofcourse when i click on mydomain.xx/forum/profile.php?do=admire&userid=391
The same link that is added on users profile page.
Any ideas what could be wrong ?
edit : this is the line 2268
$optionselected["$categoryid"] = HTML_SELECTED;
Doesnt seem anywrong !

04-18-2005, 03:00 PM
Double check the code that you changed in Profile.php.

The line number indicates it was the second change, which was an addition.

Using an old version of profile.php (you had a backup right, or you still have the vBulletin originals?), compare that and your modified version.

You have done one of two things, either:
1) Removed some existing code when you pasted in the new code.
2) When you pasted in the new code you only pasted part of it

So just check that the // HACK blocks indicate the start and end of the hack, and that you didn't remove any existing code when you added it.

04-18-2005, 03:04 PM
The line of code you quoted is in my file around the 1500 mark, you must have another large hack installed to make that line number around the 2200 mark.

Please check against the original profile.php file or a backup that you know to be working that you have added the hack in the right place and not touched other code around it :)

04-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Yes i have large hacks and edits onto my profile pages, anyway i have a backup 3 days ago on my server i just started copying it and i will extract it to get the backup of profile.php
i will update you when this is done :) Thanks for the suggestion.

04-18-2005, 03:31 PM
I just restored an old profile.php and i also got the same problem when i clicked on the link again.

04-18-2005, 07:14 PM
I just restored an old profile.php and i also got the same problem when i clicked on the link again.
If you send me the file via email (pre-hack) I will edit it for you :)

Or send me the file as it currently is, and I shall fix the error :)

My email: david at buro9 . co m

04-19-2005, 10:37 AM
Hi ,
I just want to let you know that seems the problem is NOT from your hack, thus i apologize !
Because i tried at the mentioned line :
$optionselected["$categoryid"] = HTML_SELECTED; ( line 2268)
and btw line 2267 to me was : LIST
Anyway i just marked a # on that line to see what effect on your hack and your hack worked fine !
The problem seems older than it is and i will re-download a clean profile.php and compare from the vbulletin.com member site.
Anyway thanks for the great hack, am clicking install right now, and i will be checking up my code to see what is exactly wrong with that line ( unfortunatly i dont see whats wrong in it right now ! )

04-19-2005, 07:37 PM
Hi ,
I just want to let you know that seems the problem is NOT from your hack, thus i apologize !
Because i tried at the mentioned line :
$optionselected["$categoryid"] = HTML_SELECTED; ( line 2268)
and btw line 2267 to me was : LIST
Anyway i just marked a # on that line to see what effect on your hack and your hack worked fine !
The problem seems older than it is and i will re-download a clean profile.php and compare from the vbulletin.com member site.
Anyway thanks for the great hack, am clicking install right now, and i will be checking up my code to see what is exactly wrong with that line ( unfortunatly i dont see whats wrong in it right now ! )
Fantastic, and thanks for the feedback.

It's problems that are reported and then appear to be unsolved that put people off installing, so it's very appreciated :)

04-20-2005, 11:30 AM
Question is the Usergroup defineable? WHY?

well I would use this so members with less access could contact my paid members. Since they cant post to them

this does seem cool AT first I thought it took all the info a user puts in its profile and searches for a member of their choice (male male female male what ever)

and brings back the closest match.

NOW who ever does that gets some paypal from me!

04-20-2005, 12:04 PM
Hi again,
I think i owe u the solution i downloaded the code into my local pc and in the phpeditor i noticed there was a space breaking the code into two lines ( like <br> )
The line wasnt wrong, except that when am editing it online it was actually being pasted like co<br>de :D

07-08-2005, 05:12 PM
you shouldnt be able to admire yourself, that kinda sux

Marco van Herwaarden
07-08-2005, 09:07 PM
you shouldnt be able to admire yourself, that kinda suxLol Paul, it tells a lot about you that you even tried. :D

07-09-2005, 04:03 AM
Lol Paul, it tells a lot about you that you even tried. :D
I beta test out all hacks, to the extreme, just to assure theres no bugs laying around. :p

08-05-2005, 05:40 AM
are you gonna make this hack 3.5?

08-05-2005, 03:04 PM
are you gonna make this hack 3.5?

Yup. And it will work with the existing table too.

I haven't yet downloaded the RC for 3.5, wanted to do it this week but I'm out in Redmond and it will have to wait until I'm back in London in 2 weeks time.

It's coming though, I need it myself :D

08-06-2005, 12:38 AM
That's great news. :)

08-06-2005, 05:16 AM
Yup. And it will work with the existing table too.

I haven't yet downloaded the RC for 3.5, wanted to do it this week but I'm out in Redmond and it will have to wait until I'm back in London in 2 weeks time.

It's coming though, I need it myself :DHey before you go 3.5 could you be so kind to add a small mod to this?

If I admire you... NOT YOU but... ok I am comfortable with my sexuality! yes YOU... and you admire me I would like the hack to add us both as buddies.

so I am on your buddy list and your on mine kind of thing. I am surprised it doesnt do that.

My math sucks. I wanted this to limit per day not month. say 10 a day. I dont mind a ton of love.

09-08-2005, 07:14 PM
Hey before you go 3.5 could you be so kind to add a small mod to this?

If I admire you... NOT YOU but... ok I am comfortable with my sexuality! yes YOU... and you admire me I would like the hack to add us both as buddies.

so I am on your buddy list and your on mine kind of thing. I am surprised it doesnt do that.

My math sucks. I wanted this to limit per day not month. say 10 a day. I dont mind a ton of love.

Please have all requests for new features appended to this thread by Tuesday.

I shall be working on the 3.5 version of this as of then and for the latter part of next week (in between doing my day job ;)).

Thanks :)

David K

09-16-2005, 01:18 PM
Please have all requests for new features appended to this thread by Tuesday.

I shall be working on the 3.5 version of this as of then and for the latter part of next week (in between doing my day job ;)).

Thanks :)

David K

I've done an initial port of the hack to 3.5 and have published it here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=96393

Could some of you brave souls upgrade and let me know of any problems :)

I always suggest backing up first! ;) This new hack architecture is both a joy and slightly scary to work with... I've attempted to make the transition effortless for you.

Oh, and new features, aside from T3_MEDIA's suggestion, anyone else got some? Once I think it's stable I'll integrate them :)

09-16-2005, 07:00 PM
I didn't see the original request for features. But I'm feeling brave! I'll go install it now - been waiting for this for some time hehe. Thanks Bruo. :)

09-26-2005, 06:04 AM
got it installed perfectly
work like a champ
all my members love it

thanks a lot

click installed