View Full Version : Banner rotator Help

02-11-2004, 04:00 PM
:surprised: Currently im in the process of configuring my VB 2.3.4 to the look and feel I like. Currently I am using a forum called Snitz which Ive converted the data base into PHPBB then into VB.

I am not really happy with the Banner application that comes with Vbulletin and Vportal.
Is there a way I can have each banners expire on a certain date? Also it would be nice to automatically upload a banner into a desired forlder like /banners then point the redirect to
the /banners/banner.bmp ? on my current snitz forum which is .asp based I am using a program called aspbanner which has all those features and more. Is there a way to have the vb banner software to do these features? Another option is can I get my existing aspbanner software to intergrate with vbulletin & vportal since its asp bases?

02-11-2004, 04:07 PM
posted in wrong forum mate

02-11-2004, 06:10 PM
Yea, but nice one ...