View Full Version : New Posting Features - [HTL] & [Normal] Thread Descriptions v1.0.1

01-24-2004, 10:00 PM
I will be working on getting a new version of this hack out tonight. I will provide support here the best I can. For priority support go here (http://www.extremechatforums.com/forums/index.php?section=9998)

Thread Descriptions
Version: 1.0.1
vB-version: 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2
Developer: Tim "eXtremeTim" Yarbrough
Install-difficulty: Easy
File-edits: 4
Template-edits: 2
Files modified for this Hack:
Templates modified for this Hack:
DB Tables modified for this Hack:

Updated in v1.0.1:
Fixed html security problems.

What is coming in the next version:
Ability to edit descriptions
Ability to turn descriptions on and offer on a per forum basis and globaly
Ability to turn on showing the descriptions at the top of every page of the thread for reference.
Ability to define the cutoff on the display of it on forumdisplay (recommended only to use this when using the display in thread feature)
Ability to define the cutoff for how many characters can be input into the description box.

This hack was made for eXtremeChatForums.com (http://www.extremechatforums.com/forum/index.php) by Tim "eXtremeTim" Yarbrough

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/09/1.gif (https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=tim%40extremechatforums%2ecom&item_name=Tim%27s%20vBulletin%20Scripts&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD)

Gio Takahashi
01-25-2004, 02:26 AM
Awesome job, Extreme Tim. I'll definitely install. Keep up the good work.

01-25-2004, 02:38 AM
Im planning to release my currency hack that i did for my site soon and possible a few other code changes.

01-25-2004, 10:35 AM
What is the character limit on the thread description? And how can you add a bigger character limit to it?

01-25-2004, 01:30 PM
Its 85 right now. You can change the limit in the html for newthread up to 125 after that you must change the varchar field in the database to allow more.

01-25-2004, 11:19 PM
I apologize asking a stupid question, but can this query be ran simply by Import & Maintenance>Execute SQL Query, and adding it to the second window under manual query? (under VB3)? Thanks.

01-26-2004, 12:03 AM
Yes it can.

01-26-2004, 12:21 AM
Thank you.

01-26-2004, 02:49 AM
Any way to add this to the editpost so we can add thread descriptions to threads that are already there?

01-26-2004, 05:32 AM
It's DHTML ow just JavaScript or just alt?

01-26-2004, 09:02 AM
Any way to add this to the editpost so we can add thread descriptions to threads that are already there?That's what I'm waitin for.

01-26-2004, 09:33 AM
Nice hack!

That´s what I´m waiting for!

/me clicks install



01-26-2004, 11:05 AM
Any way to add this to the editpost so we can add thread descriptions to threads that are already there?
That would be a good feature

01-26-2004, 02:03 PM
Perhaps I missed the step, but I believe the HTL version needs to support database prefix's. I was able to edit this in via the Hack Manager to get it installed. Nice one, overall--- thanks.

01-26-2004, 05:44 PM
EVERYBODY USING APPLY THIS FIX NOW. There was a major security problem found. This stops the use of html and applies swear filering to the text.

Open functions_newpost.php

// ### POST NEW THREAD ###
if ($type == 'thread')

Add Below:
$post['threaddesc'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_censored_text($post['threaddesc']));

I will update the two install files to have this new change in v1.0.1. The only change will be this security update.

01-29-2004, 03:47 PM
Any word on updating this for the editpost to add descriptions to threads already there?

02-07-2004, 04:28 PM
<i>...Posting here to be informed of an update...</i>

02-10-2004, 11:03 PM
any chance to add description on POST EDIT?

02-10-2004, 11:33 PM
We figured out what needed to be added and it is more code than the original hack. But it works! ;)

02-11-2004, 02:18 AM
We figured out what needed to be added and it is more code than the original hack. But it works! ;)

Care to post the code...?

02-14-2004, 05:21 PM
Something I would like to see in this hack would be that you *can* change the thread description from Thread(or however it is called) Tools ----> Edit Thread

02-14-2004, 05:27 PM
That requires extensive editing of postings.php. It can be done, but only with time and patience. ;)

02-14-2004, 05:34 PM
If someone could do it I would appreciate it. :)

02-22-2004, 08:11 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO thread(title, lastpost, forumid, open, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline,
iconid, visible, attach, threaddesc, similar)
(':(', 1077487797, 39,
1, 0, 'Dx', 2,
'Dx', 1077487797, 0, 1,
0, '', 'yaaaa'

02-22-2004, 08:23 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO thread(title, lastpost, forumid, open, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline,
iconid, visible, attach, threaddesc, similar)
(':(', 1077487797, 39,
1, 0, 'Dx', 2,
'Dx', 1077487797, 0, 1,
0, '', 'yaaaa'
Where's the rest of the error message?

02-22-2004, 08:48 PM
Fix it :)

02-22-2004, 09:10 PM
What was it?

02-23-2004, 06:35 AM
LOL I was just about to release this myself. Though I did it in two file edits, probably the insecure way. :)

02-23-2004, 06:53 AM
I'm going to be releasing a version on my site that has the edits for the postings.php and editpost.php (as soon as I get the install file put together, which is almost done). ;)

02-25-2004, 12:23 AM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO thread(title, lastpost, forumid, open, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline,
iconid, visible, attach, threaddesc, similar)
(':(', 1077487797, 39,
1, 0, 'Dx', 2,
'Dx', 1077487797, 0, 1,
0, '', 'yaaaa'

In reply to your problem it is because of a missing ) at the end of that line. It seems to be a typo cause I got the same thing using v1.0.1


$totalattachments, '" . addslashes($similarthreads) . "'

#Replace with#

$totalattachments, '" . addslashes($similarthreads) . "', '" . addslashes($post['threaddesc']) . "'

At the end of the replace line there should be a ) so it should be

$totalattachments, '" . addslashes($similarthreads) . "', '" . addslashes($post['threaddesc']) . "' )

Try that to see if it works as that is what I had to do.

02-25-2004, 01:43 PM
This hack isn't complete.

How can i edit a thread Description ?
How can i see the thread description while i am in a thread ?

Can you implement this things ?


02-25-2004, 02:04 PM
This hack isn't complete.

How can i edit a thread Description ?
How can i see the thread description while i am in a thread ?

Can you implement this things ?


You did notice there were other pages in this thread, right?

02-25-2004, 04:56 PM
what other pages in this thread ? I only see one page....your post is the post number 32. Or what did you ask me ??

02-25-2004, 05:23 PM
Sorry, I was just being a smartass. Your request has already been mentioned more than once.

02-25-2004, 06:03 PM
and have it been solved ?

02-25-2004, 06:12 PM
Ok, guys, for anyone interested, I have solved this for my site. I won't release it here as to not step on any toes with cross-over hacks. If you want it, log onto my site and pm me and I will get it to you. ;)

02-26-2004, 10:33 AM
you have solved all my problems ? I mean...posiblity to edit the description ?

02-26-2004, 10:50 AM
Yes! And you can add descriptions to threads that were already there before you installed this hack. ;)

Chris M
02-26-2004, 10:57 AM
I would love to view it, but I can't remember if I have created an account there or not...

Edit: I just registered again ... still not sure if I had an account:ermm:


02-26-2004, 11:24 AM
You did on vB2, but I did a new install for vB3. ;)

03-04-2004, 02:46 AM
This hack rocks:)

04-01-2004, 03:43 PM
This hack will no longer be supported and have new releases here at vb.org To get support and new versions go to this thread http://www.vbhacks.us/forum/showthread.php?t=36 (http://www.vbhacks.us/forum/showthread.php?t=36)

04-07-2004, 02:24 PM
Ok, guys, for anyone interested, I have solved this for my site. I won't release it here as to not step on any toes with cross-over hacks. If you want it, log onto my site and pm me and I will get it to you. ;)
Boofo please release these changes to me so I can include them in the next version. It will save me some time. I had all that stuff planned as it was but I was just running short on time.

04-23-2004, 12:45 AM
This is useful, just like in IPBoards..

07-28-2004, 08:48 PM
I installed this and it looks great, but my users are no longer redirected to the thread right away upon posting, another screen pops up (that we all hate), I can't figure out what's causing this.

08-06-2004, 04:56 PM
I updated this hack, you can see it in this forum.

04-05-2005, 01:29 PM
I will be working on getting a new version of this hack out tonight. I will provide support here the best I can. For priority support go here (http://www.extremechatforums.com/forums/index.php?section=9998)

There are quite a few new features planned for this hack. I will be making this hack fully rounded this time by fixing the problems that others have had to fix and by adding in even more features to improve the usefulness of this hack

04-29-2005, 02:41 PM

Sounds great!! I will give it a shot tonight :)

Thanks for your hard work!!!

02-25-2006, 01:22 PM
Can anyone port this to 3.5?

08-05-2006, 07:18 AM
Can anyone port this to 3.5?

and to 3.6 please :):rolleyes: