View Full Version : SMods watches Main Forum Mods, while Main Forum Mods watches over there own forum mod

01-19-2004, 07:32 AM
Confusing?? let me break it down what I want to do.

See... me and another admin was going to demod all of our current mods and get new ones, anyways, one of our member thought up of something. Why not have a Mod choose 2 of there own mods and the the mod who chooses them would be the head mod the the head mod would watch his mod under there own forums??

I figured this would be a great idea, but don't know how... can anyone help me out here??

btw... if you still don't get what I'm talking about, look at this crapy drawing posted.

what it pretty much show is this. the admins takes care of everything, site updates, and such, and watches over the SMods

The SMods keeps an eye out on the Head Mods and Helper Mods and also all the forums. Has power over all the mods (they have access to the mod cp).

The head mods could choose 2 members to let them be mods under him and watches over them, along with the forum he's moding for. Has power over the head mods.

Helper mods are choosen by the head mods, pretty much has no power other then what a mod would have for that forum they're watching.

01-20-2004, 08:39 PM

really apprateat if someone could help me out here :(