View Full Version : memberlist link from custom profile field

01-15-2004, 11:18 AM
hello. i am looking for a hack that will take info from a custom profile field that i created, and have it list as a link on the members list for the forum.

my website is www.proclivitusviolens.com/forums and if you goto the members list you will see a column called "Magelo".

if the user puts their magelo number in the profile field box, I would like it to put a link in the Magelo column on the members list that will do the following:

<a href="javascript:view_profile(123456);">123456</a>

Thanks in advance!

01-30-2004, 08:14 PM

I, too, would like to list a column that shows a certain Profile field that I have created.
If anyone can show me how to do this, I would GREATLY APPRECIATE it! It shouldn't be difficult to do...can someone offer some help please?

01-30-2004, 11:30 PM
If you can tell me if what I have done with mine is what you are looking for, I can tell you how I did it. No problem. It is pretty easy.

Go to my forum http://cavycages.com/forum/index.php (which is also integrated with PhotoPost, by the way) and click on the Members List. Especially, for the user CavySpirit (me), look at the links and the title of the column.

01-30-2004, 11:30 PM
This is morless just templates and should have been asked over at www.vbulletintemplates.com
Nevertheless i'll answer you here.
Edit template memberlist and add the column where you want it to appear:

<td class="thead">header for your column</td>

Edit template memberlist_resultsbit and add a cell at the correct place:

<if condition="$userinfo[fieldx] AND exec_switch_bg()">
<td class="$bgclass">some foobar text or code $userinfo[fieldx]</td>
<else />
<td class="$bgclass">&nbsp;</td>

Where fieldx must be replaced by the actual field name of course ;)
Don't fortget to set this field NOT to be display on memberlist, otherwise it will be duplicatedd (without the additional code)

In user field manager (ACP) you can specify if a custom field should be display on memberlist or not.

01-31-2004, 08:47 PM
Thanks All!

I got it working. For those who are new, to show one or more custom profile fields to show in the members list for vb3, go to Admincp >vb Options > User Listing & Profile Viewing.
Make sure "Custom Fields" is checked. Save. Next go to Admincp > User Profile Fields > User Profiles Manager > and then edit the field(s) you want to show in Members List. Save.

That's it! Thanks again for help all :)