View Full Version : vb3 - yellow pages

01-13-2004, 03:45 PM
My idea is to have a yellow pages setup which could work as a directory.

Go to my site: http://pbmessage.com, notice I have a directory link at the top.

When people click on this, I want it to take them to a page that has a map and a drop down 1st of the world, then once they select a country it would take them to that countrys map, with all the sections/states. It could either stop at that, or as people add locations, it could add a new location to the drop down of cities for each state/section.

For instance, if California had 0 listings then on the california page, it would just look like this..

United States > California

No listings have been added, be the first! CLICK HERE TO ADD A LISTING.


But now, say for OHIO, there were 3 listings... It would look like this...

United States > Ohio (total listings: 3)


ASI Paintball - Click For More Info -
39181 Integridy Dr.

Splatterpark - Click For More Info -
19388 Memorial Rd.


Xtreme Paintball Park - Click For More Info -
991 Summa Sr. Rd.


See how it first would list the cities in alphabetical order, then it would list the listings in alphabetical order after that.


Ok, Now, something else that would be a nice thing is to have it so when they first click on Directory, it could have a drop down of different things the directory has in it for instance...

-Paintball Fields
-Paintball Stores
-Paintball Teams
-Online PB Stores

When they select one of those, and click go, it would then take them to a map. and a drop down. The map wouldnt HAVE to be clickable, as long as the drop down and go button had all of the countries, and then after that, states listed.


In the listings, where it says "Click here to view more about this listing" or w/e, the listing would actually load. A sample listing page would look like this...

United States > Ohio > Xtreme Paintball Park

Phone: 740-920-3492
Email: info@xtremepaintballpark.com
Website: www.xtremepaintballpark.com

Information -----------------
Restrooms - Yes
Staging Areas - Yes
Airball - Yes
Rec Ball - No
Hyperball - No
Xball - No
Byop - Yes
N2 Fills - Yes
C02 Fills - Yes

Description: Xtreme paintball park is a park for both tournament players and recreational players. Give us a call or visit our site, we hope to see you soon!

Photo: give them the option to upload multiple photos, and have them resized, just like a thread on the forum.
Would be nice if it could be set in admincp if you could add custom fields like the "Restrooms" and such under information on the view listing page. But remember that in the admin cp it would need to be so you first select the category "Fields, Teams, Online Stores, or whatever", and then you see the ability to add all of this.

So, now comes the ADD NEW LISTING page.. First off, it should be customizable in the admincp if they should be able to add a listing of they arent registered or not. Anyhow, it would first look like this..

"What category would you like to add a listing under?"
>Paintball Fields
>Paintball Teams
>Paintball Stores
>Online Stores

Say they selected Paintball Fields, the next page would look like this..

Add New Directory Listing > Paintball Fields

Name Of Field: ____________ (Xtreme Paintball Park, as listed above)
City: ___________*Make sure its spelled correctly (dayton as listed above)
State: ____ (dropdown) (ohio as listed above)
Zip Code:_______

Additional Information:

Restrooms - Yes | No
Staging Areas - Yes | No
Airball - Yes | No
Rec Ball - Yes | No
Hyperball - Yes | No
Xball - Yes | No
Byop - Yes | No
N2 Fills - Yes | No
C02 Fills - Yes | No

(once they click on each one, the link/button for the yes or no would go inactive so that they can see they selected it).

Detailed Description: (have multi-lined text field here)


Preview -- Submit


Now, what is shown on that page would depend on what the admin wants to be displayed for each category and such, im sure you get the idea.


Now, the last thing I will say right now, is that it would be nice if registered members (or according to permissions they may not be required to be registered), could post comments to each listing so it would have the listing on top, and then people can RATE the entry, as well as post a comment. It would add to their post count when they post a comment too... work just like a real thread does, accept it would be more like PhotoPost Pro's comment system.

In closing now, I will add, that I will personally pay $100-200+ for this script. I need it bad, Im sure others will find it a useful utility too.

Thanks everyone

01-13-2004, 03:46 PM
I know its a lot to read, but please read it, I took the time to type it. lol

08-18-2007, 02:51 AM
I'd love to see this mod created also.