01-12-2004, 09:37 AM
I am looking for a modification for the moderator- und admiistrator-control-panel.
They should have the option to have an overview over their forums (mods) or the entire board (admins), which targets are being used in the URL and IMG tags.
A list somehow like this would be very nice:
URL -> | by: Username | thread: threadid
IMG -> | by: Username | thread: threadid
Any idea for that ?
I am looking for a modification for the moderator- und admiistrator-control-panel.
They should have the option to have an overview over their forums (mods) or the entire board (admins), which targets are being used in the URL and IMG tags.
A list somehow like this would be very nice:
URL -> | by: Username | thread: threadid
IMG -> | by: Username | thread: threadid
Any idea for that ?