View Full Version : Forumdisplay Hack ???

01-12-2004, 09:36 AM
It that a Hack or an Option from Vb3 ???

Cu StarCraft

01-12-2004, 10:49 AM
Its not a hack.By default it is at the bottom of forumdisplay.They have just moved it to the top.

If you want to position it at the top,look in FORUMDISPLAY for the code between:

<!-- Active Users in this Forum (and sub-forums) and Moderators -->

<!-- End Active Users in this Forum (and sub-forums) and Moderators -->

and reposition it directly under $navbar
you might want to add a <br /> to the end as well.

01-12-2004, 11:50 AM
Its not a hack.By default it is at the bottom of forumdisplay.They have just moved it to the top.

If you want to position it at the top,look in FORUMDISPLAY for the code between:

<!-- Active Users in this Forum (and sub-forums) and Moderators -->

<!-- End Active Users in this Forum (and sub-forums) and Moderators -->

and reposition it directly under $navbar
you might want to add a <br /> to the end as well.

Thanks for your help :)