View Full Version : Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.21 Integration

01-09-2004, 10:48 PM
I think PhotoPost is rather a silly product, because the free Coppermine Photo Gallery does all the same. Can it be connected to vB3 RC2 and the Coppermine templates and phrases stored in the vB database? This would a rather big project, but it would be even more dynamic than the commercial products as PhotoPost and Albinator.

01-12-2004, 03:22 PM
yea there is an integration out... i couldnt get it to work though, some problem with the cookies.. but alot of people seemed to have worked fine for them.... the file is downloadable from their site...

01-17-2004, 07:53 AM
If only it would have the "ImageCopyResized" php function working
http://www.google.com/search?q=%49%6D%61%67%65%43%6F%70%79%52%65%73%69%7 A%65%64&hl=ru

01-17-2004, 03:40 PM
I tried this integration that came with it, but it won't let me log into coppermine now

01-17-2004, 03:54 PM
I tried this integration that came with it, but it won't let me log into coppermine now

Do you have the latest vb3 bridge? If not it can be found on the Coppermine support boards right here (http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/board/viewtopic.php?t=2370&highlight=vbulletin). I managed to get it installed and running with very little effort. The next step is to integrate the styles if possible.

01-17-2004, 04:30 PM
I also managed to integrate it with vb RC2,

the problems tend to be cookie related i believe, affecting users with a http://forum.webserver.com/ setup.

01-17-2004, 04:40 PM
tgmorris- yes, i Have the latest bridge, downloaded from their downloads page

ChrisSy- I have the forums in the root directory.

01-29-2004, 01:13 AM
tgmorris- yes, i Have the latest bridge, downloaded from their downloads page

ChrisSy- I have the forums in the root directory.
Have u guys seen this one? http://smartor.is-root.com/viewtopic.php?t=3021

Looks pretty damn sweet to me, but only currently ported with Phpbb..

Anyone care to take a stab at porting it to Vbulletin 3.0 ? lol

I've looked at the code, but not good with PHP and got lost immediately.

01-30-2004, 12:59 AM
The vB3 bridge works perfectly, as long as you refer to my post on page 6 of that thread, and I quote:The bridge works perfectly. One thing to note, though. I'll make it big and bold so no one will miss it.

The bridge file asks for you vB Customer Number. DO NOT ENTER YOUR CUSTOMER NUMBER THERE. Instead, input you LICENSE NUMBER, the number that is at the top of all of your vB3 files. If you input your customer number, then it won't work.

01-30-2004, 01:24 AM
> I think PhotoPost is rather a silly product

All gallery scripts have their strong suits - you should always research your options and see whats best suited to your needs.

PhotoPost integrates out-of-the-box with vB 2 and vB 3, supports multimedia files, GD1 and GD2, comes with support and is the product most others copy features from. We also have gallery and forum style layouts and a host of other features many of the other scripts do not. We were the first Photo Gallery to focus on forum integration and have developed some great Mods to fully integrate your galleries into your forums (http://www.photopostdev.com).

Always do your homework.

01-31-2004, 02:49 PM
And does not suports gifs ...

01-31-2004, 03:15 PM
And does not suports gifs ...
Coppermine is looking pretty nice, and to be honest, Its rather simple to install and bridge with vB3 took me a moment of idioticy. I recommend it if you can not afford Photopost, as photopost can take video and music and coppermine is still working on that feature.

Also the templates in Coppermine is like easy as pie to use!

01-31-2004, 03:40 PM
I can only agree. And Coppermine is going to have a crop function soon which PP will (seemed to me) never going to even think about. And it has all the translations I need. Use Coppermine - it's free and better than all the rest at the moment and, guys, I've installed about 8 different gallerys ...

01-31-2004, 03:53 PM
The trick now is to get it integrated a bit better as far as matching styles goes. I've got the bridge file modified to the point it loads in the correct vb CSS information based on the users' style. Now the decision is how best to modify the templates. Should the Coppermine style be loaded into the vb CSS or should the Coppermine class="xxxx" be changed to use existing vb classes.

In the long run it's probably better to load the Coppermine definitions into vb and change them there as it will provide an easier upgrade path.

01-31-2004, 06:20 PM
I would preffer coppermine templates in vb DB, but something, if not this, should be done.
Are you ready to post a tutorial how you changed your bridge files? I could post my comments and CSS files after that, we could work together on that, doen't we>?

01-31-2004, 06:46 PM
> music and coppermine is still working on that feature.

Actually the developers have said they will not support multimedia files - ever. But anything can change if the damand is there. Just as we would consider any functoinality our users request.

01-31-2004, 06:51 PM
I integrated Coppermine with vbulletin 3.0 RC3 and it went seamlessly... one of the easiest integrations I've ever installed.

I have to figure out how to pull a navbar in on the page, but it's otherwise looking pretty decent.


01-31-2004, 07:52 PM
Ok cool...so where can I start to integrate Coppermine gallery into vb3? Any instructions anywhere? Thanks!

01-31-2004, 07:53 PM
Photopost looks like it stole some of Coppermines ideas for their latest version...

01-31-2004, 08:38 PM
Now that's funny....! :lol:

It's the other way around, boss.

01-31-2004, 09:34 PM
I would preffer coppermine templates in vb DB, but something, if not this, should be done.
Are you ready to post a tutorial how you changed your bridge files? I could post my comments and CSS files after that, we could work together on that, doen't we>?
Here are the changes I made to the vb3 bridge file to get the vb css data loaded into the generated HTML file.

01-31-2004, 10:37 PM
Eh....I like Coppermine better already.

02-01-2004, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the sharing

dream on ... ;o)

02-02-2004, 03:23 AM
I love the idea that photopost can take multimedia. They were one of the first to intergrate. If I had spare cash I would buy it, infact still considering it.

Coppermine is getting better about a lot of things. They are still trying to catch up some other features Photopost comes standard with.

02-02-2004, 03:34 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think Coppermine is one of the better free gallery products out there. I never paid much attention to it until the story about the author going missing was reported and the code was moved into sourceforge. I saw one or two example sites and thought it looked real nice. Fast forward to two weeks ago when someone pointed out some of their "new" features and I see some similiarities to the layout we have.

Keep in mind, we were doing this long before Coppermine was released (and some others).

If you are looking for a free gallery script there are a couple decent ones to choose from - each with it own way of presenting galleries and having your users interact with them. If you are looking for a free product, then Coppermine is a good choice.

If you would like the benefits from a paid gallery - including support, frequent updates and cutting edge features - PhotoPost is a great alternative. I fully expect that our Gallery/Forum templates will be copied soon enough (we offer two templates to display a gallery - see attachment). We have 6 fulltime support people on staff and perform installation services - these are things you don't always get with a free product. Flaming newbes on the coppermine forums seems to be almost a sport.

I've always encouraged people to research their options. I believe PhotoPost to be a value based on the features and support. Others who have more time to invest in modding maybe prefer to start out with something free.

02-02-2004, 06:13 AM
support - CPG is so well-coded it doen't really needs one
cutting edge features - name me 5 and I'll say ok

The price is too high, the design - hard to integrate to make it look really good ...

02-02-2004, 11:19 AM
From their "no need for support forum forums"

hyperion, Dev Team member:

Let me clue you in:

This is not a commercial product. It is FREE.

Therefore, you have no right to demand tech support.

Also, as it is free, no one really cares if you move to Photopost. Open source is not a genitalia measurment contest.

Your server may have been running itself for the last four years; I doubt you had anything to do with it.

Judging by the Support fourms, you're a little over confident of the code itself. But, more people need help installing their application than need help fixing it. Having someone to be able to help them when their server isn't configured properly or don't understand something is alot better than getting flammed and told they could care less what you do.

Like I said, do your homework and pick whats best for you.

02-02-2004, 03:25 PM
From their "no need for support forum forums"

hyperion, Dev Team member:

Let me clue you in:

This is not a commercial product. It is FREE.

Therefore, you have no right to demand tech support.

Also, as it is free, no one really cares if you move to Photopost. Open source is not a genitalia measurment contest.

Your server may have been running itself for the last four years; I doubt you had anything to do with it.

Judging by the Support fourms, you're a little over confident of the code itself. But, more people need help installing their application than need help fixing it. Having someone to be able to help them when their server isn't configured properly or don't understand something is alot better than getting flammed and told they could care less what you do.

Like I said, do your homework and pick whats best for you.
Sort of like being told to go to PhotoPost Dev and getting answers like

PhotoPost support is handled on the photopost.com forums, not here. This forum is for people coding modifications for PhotoPost.

I'm not sure, but I believe you have to modify the includes/functions_online.php file to include case statements for the files (around line 1237).

We do have alot more people looking for help than offering at this point. I hope that will change soon, but until it does some requests may be dififcult to fill.
Could the support on the coppermine forum be "friendlier"? Possibly. But I think that about a lot of places from time to time.

I don't think this is the correct place to get into a pi$$ing match over which is a better product or has better support. Each product has its advocates and detractors. If Coppermine can get to a point that it can be made to integrate with the look & feel of vb then it will make a lot of people that like free s/w very happy. Those that want to continue to pay for products can chose to do so as well.

02-02-2004, 04:23 PM
<i>Sort of like being told to go to PhotoPost Dev and getting answers like.</i>

No its not - it's not at all "like" that and I would assume that you would know the difference.

All of your quotes are published from a mods site I put up for people who like to work on the code outside of the actual product. Getting people to the right forums where the PhotoPost support staff handle customers will ensure they get the proper attention they deserve.

02-02-2004, 04:29 PM
Well I do love the forum home on photopostdev.com :) I have been trying to recreate it with coppermine very hard thing to do.

But either way the products coexist and hopefully they will peacefully :)

02-02-2004, 06:13 PM
I personally hate Photopost, it doesn't fully integrate with vB like the I want it to, I rather use my own.

02-02-2004, 06:44 PM
Good for you Xyphen, got anything useful to contribute other than some lame flaming and some self serving crap that adds nothing to the conversation?


02-02-2004, 07:37 PM
PhotoPost - change your nick - it will help you.
I undersand Xyphen, that is the same I did. Left PhotoPost 4.05 and made my own, simple, but integrated into vB gallery - looking at Coppermine now, to make it even better and write some add-ons for it. Just because the code is readable and it works ok with gifs.

02-23-2004, 09:06 AM
i integrated coppermine with vbulletin now and i am very happy now :D
coppermine is a great script and the bridge is also very easy to configure :)

but i have a small problem:
i want my moderators in vbulletin also have admin rights in coppermine...

does anybody know how to do this?

i still could't find a solution ;(

02-23-2004, 01:59 PM
For a more complete coppermine integration with vb3 also check out https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60183. This allows coppermine to make use of the vb3 css and has a set of vb3 template mods.

02-28-2004, 08:27 AM
This is fine - thank you!

03-18-2004, 04:21 AM
I've tried this using the current hacks and explanations around,b ut I am having bad luck...

I just want to use the VBull usernames and passwords in coppermine, but I'm not really interested in having coppermine's style match the sites, as I will just setup 1 coppermine style and leave it at that. I also like the mod that makes sitename/gallery/user?username point to a users gallery.

Is there a way to easily get this configured? I am using vbulletin 3 rc4 and coppermine 1.2.1

03-22-2004, 10:54 AM
For a long time, I believed that Photopost was the premier Photo Gallery software if you were running vB. A comparison of featuresets between Coppermine and Photopost has led me to choose Coppermine over purchasing a license for Photopost.

As a 501c3 charity, SpeedStreet was told by a member of the Photopost staff that there was "no way they were giving any discounts or copies to any car club...because that is where the meat and potatos of their market it" [sic]. Essentially, even though they could CLAIM money back on donating any product or discount, they still were unwilling to do anything for a group with a limited budget and a recognizable benefit through the USIRS. Yet, every other company we have dealt with has been much more professional about understanding non-profits, and has worked with us on many different levels.

Until Photopost adjusts their business saavy to be on par with their business prices, I cannot wholeheartedly reccomend this product to anyone taking a serious look at the cost/benefit analysis when comparing it to Coppermine. Also on a more personal note, I would reccomend to any company representing its product that you stay above the fray, and refrain from calling someone's post a flame when they are voicing an opinion about your product.

- John

03-22-2004, 11:10 AM
is the coppermine integration working with vb3 gold?

i haven't tested yet but i heard that it is not working...

has anybody already tested this?

03-22-2004, 11:16 AM
is the coppermine integration working with vb3 gold?

i haven't tested yet but i heard that it is not working...

has anybody already tested this?
Their head developer is trying to work through this right now. I recently upgraded my site, and took our existing gallery (a vB hack) offline.


That's the thread where they need help. They need someone with a vB site willing to help them test. They don't have anyone on staff to do this right now. Nobody has vBulletin ;)

03-23-2004, 01:45 PM
is the coppermine integration working with vb3 gold?

i haven't tested yet but i heard that it is not working...

has anybody already tested this?
here! I upgraded my vb from RC2 to gold and the gallery run without any problems.

03-23-2004, 01:49 PM
has anybody written a integration so that a additional link comes to the "username-pulldown" (when you click on the username in the threadisplay) when the user has uploaded a picture? ...and if, he want to share this? :)


03-23-2004, 02:28 PM
has anybody written a integration so that a additional link comes to the "username-pulldown" (when you click on the username in the threadisplay) when the user has uploaded a picture? ...and if, he want to share this? :)

There are no more integration hacks as of yet...but we will be putting together a group of developers shortly.

Blam Forumz
08-07-2004, 08:18 AM
Where is the actual hack? and does it work with 3.0.2?