View Full Version : phpMyChat Integration

01-02-2004, 10:00 PM
This hack will add integrate vBulletin with phpMyChat. It uses some small (but effective) security measures to prevent users from using any username but their own.

++ To Do:
vBulletin files to edit: 0
phpMyChat files to edit: 1 (you must also install phpMyChat)
Queries to Run: 0
Templates to add: 0
Templates to modify: 2
Time to install: 10 Minutes

++ Known Issues
Users with a space in their name can not chat
Username can be bypassed

Enjoy! :squareeyed:

Alan Ang
01-04-2004, 05:18 AM
most of my users has usernames that has a <space> in them... can anyone resolve this problem? or are there free chat programmes that can allow the <spaces>?

Ryan Ashbrook
01-18-2004, 08:57 PM
I need this as well, but nonetheless, nice job.

01-22-2004, 05:23 PM
I installed phpMyChat..the latest version.
Modified the portion that goes into the header to look like:

function my_chatwin()
var tmpName = replace('$bbuserinfo[username]',' ','_');
tmpName = replace(tmpName,',','');
window.open('/chat/index.php3?L=english&Ver=H&U='+tmpName+'&R=Home&T=1&D=10&N=20&ST=1&NT=1&First=1','mychatwindow','width=700,height=600,tool bar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menuba r=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=no,resizable=yes');
function replace(string,text,by) {
var strLength = string.length, txtLength = text.length;
if ((strLength == 0) || (txtLength == 0)) return string;
var i = string.indexOf(text);
if ((!i) && (text != string.substring(0,txtLength))) return string;
if (i == -1) return string;
var newstr = string.substring(0,i) + by;
if (i+txtLength < strLength)
newstr += replace(string.substring(i+txtLength,strLength),te xt,by);
return newstr;

works great...
resolves the space issue...
just need to modify the exit button to close the window instead of going to chat index.

01-23-2004, 10:21 AM
Hey Oxygen, do you have this running on RC3?

01-23-2004, 11:45 AM
No, just RC2 - I did not even see that 3 was out yet.
Man they are fast.
although there is no reason for it not to work in RC3.
Hey Oxygen, do you have this running on RC3?

01-24-2004, 06:12 PM
why no demo or screenshot???

01-27-2004, 08:31 AM
Hi Guys,

I keep getting the error message "This username is registered. Please type your password or chose another username"

Any ideas?


01-29-2004, 09:10 AM
I guess no one has any ideas.. Ill just keep trying till it eventually works.

01-29-2004, 07:25 PM
I guess no one has any ideas.. Ill just keep trying till it eventually works.
I'd like to know what you find out. I want to install this hack in the near future.

Lady Ginasue
01-29-2004, 09:00 PM
I installed this hack today and was having trouble with it the way that it was, once I put in the codes that Oxygen had also posted, it worked just fine.

01-29-2004, 09:53 PM
Thanks! I might even take a look at trying it on my test board tonight or tomorrow.

01-29-2004, 11:46 PM
I installed this hack today and was having trouble with it the way that it was, once I put in the codes that Oxygen had also posted, it worked just fine.
Where did you put the chat directory? In the forum directory? It says 1 level below the vB directory...

On my test board I'm getting a 404 when I hit the 'chat' link in the navbar.

EDIT: Ok - I put it outside the vB directory in the main htdocs directory and it finds the index.php3 file OK and opens the window. But - once it said: "You must enter a user name" and then when I tried it again it said: "You must be registered before chatting.".

Hmmmm, any ideas anyone?

EDIT #2: Solved. I had phpMyChat configured to require a password...

In config.lib.php3:define("C_REQUIRE_REGISTER", '1');

should have been

define("C_REQUIRE_REGISTER", '0');

01-30-2004, 01:38 AM
Just need to modify the exit button to close the window instead of going to chat index.
Did you by chance figure out how to do this?

02-10-2004, 11:42 AM
any demo pics?

02-18-2004, 09:46 AM
I can't get this to work. The first time the chat window comes up everything is fine, after that I get the message "This username is already in use. Please chose another." until I clear out the chat_user table.

02-23-2004, 10:22 AM
has phpMyChat ever been upgraded or is it still the old one? every one could hack it, don't use it, it's dangerous ... really on Apache

04-09-2004, 06:41 AM
I am having the same trouble, keeps telling me You must choose a user name. Does this work with v.3? I tried it with the registration variable at 0 first (no reg needed) and then put it back to the original (1) setting... no luck at all either way... I was really hoping this would work, anyone have more hints, please?

04-09-2004, 08:15 PM
What file do i need to edit for myself to become an admin? :rolleyes:

I have it intregrated :surprised: with VB RC4

04-12-2004, 05:02 PM
Is it also possible to have the users that are in chat listed on the VB 3 RC4 forum :ermm: ??

05-03-2004, 02:14 AM
Looking to install... still wondering if things are worked out yet?

05-04-2004, 07:54 AM
Hi Guys,

I keep getting the error message "This username is registered. Please type your password or chose another username"

Any ideas?

you might want to change the erasing of Users in the config.lib.php3


// Cleaning settings for messages and usernames
define("C_MSG_DEL", '96');
define("C_USR_DEL", '4');
define("C_REG_DEL", '0');

change it to this

// Cleaning settings for messages and usernames
define("C_MSG_DEL", '96');
define("C_USR_DEL", '1');
define("C_REG_DEL", '0');

this would automatically delete users names after 1 minute.

05-04-2004, 07:56 AM
I am having the same trouble, keeps telling me You must choose a user name. Does this work with v.3? I tried it with the registration variable at 0 first (no reg needed) and then put it back to the original (1) setting... no luck at all either way... I was really hoping this would work, anyone have more hints, please?reason why this may be happening is because you have a room name... chosen

in the config.lib.php3

look for this:

// Proposed rooms
$DefaultChatRooms = ('ROOM NAME');
$DefaultPrivateRooms = array('Priv1', 'Priv2');

change the $DefaultChatRooms = ('ROOM NAME');


// Proposed rooms
$DefaultChatRooms = ('');
$DefaultPrivateRooms = array('Priv1', 'Priv2');

that would make no room show up in the room name line... that would just make the user press Chat to go in and wallah

05-04-2004, 07:57 AM
I can't get this to work. The first time the chat window comes up everything is fine, after that I get the message "This username is already in use. Please chose another." until I clear out the chat_user table.you might want to try what i posted... its those 2 things... change the time to erase the names and leaving it in the default room name

05-04-2004, 08:14 AM
jezuz, its inconsistent... it works 1 time... then it doesn't work... then it does :devious:

06-09-2004, 12:00 PM
Wish I could get this working, it installed fine but all I get is the message "To create your own room you must be registered" when I try and login, made all the changes you suggested in the above thread!

Any ideas please?