View Full Version : A shop request

12-31-2003, 11:22 PM
I have a couple of small requests.

1) A Store hack where
.you can donate money.
.Custom avatars
.Custom Title
.Change username
.Very little SQL querys.

2) An item shop where you can buy items for an RPG!

Thnk You!

01-01-2004, 02:02 PM
Ummm have you looked on the site yet?

There is a shop hack by Lesane which allows everything you listed, kind of :)

You cannot DONATE avatars but you can buy features to change someones usertitle and many many more options.

There is also a item shop where you can buy items for an RPG, either that or you can edit the things for sale to make it more RPG like.

Note in the beta hacks section there is a fully functional battle system (RPG) with a item shop included and much more.

Hope this helped.