View Full Version : My TV Guide

Mickie D
12-31-2003, 01:39 PM
i have a tv guide software i am using and i want to intergrate it into my forums

i can make pages intergrate into vb no problem its jsut the mysql parts i am stuck with :( (never worked with mysql).

ok basicly i am using the implode() command to get a cgi file that stores the tv guide and show it on my tvguide.php php (i have it working)

the problem is i have 200 channels and dont want 200 implodes on my page even though it can be shorter i would rather get the url to the .cgi file in a database

i.e www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/tele/something.cgi

i want that above saved as text i can just call with a $tvguide from a php page ??

anyone know how to create the mysql table for this ???

thanks in advance

Mickie D
12-31-2003, 04:24 PM
ok i got my mysql database working and i am doing pretty well until i hit one snag :(

i can hard code into my tables sing php but when i try to transfer info (using html form POST) it actaully enters a row but the info in the row is all blank :(

here is my html code

<form method="POST" action="input.php">
Channel Name: <input type="text" name="chname"><br>
Todays URL: <input type="text" name="today"><br>
Yesterdays URL: <input type="text" name="yesterday"><br>
Tomorrow URL: <input type="text" name="tomorrow"><br>
Region Name: <input type="text" name="region"><br>
<input type="Submit">

and here is my php code that (i left out pass's lol)

or die("Select DB Error: ".mysql_error());

mysql_query ("INSERT INTO tvguide (today, yesterday, tomorrow, chname, region) VALUES ('$today','$yesterday', '$tomorrow', '$chname', '$region')");


Thaks for any info or help its probably something silly

Mickie D
12-31-2003, 05:20 PM
ok found i had registered globals off in my php.ini :(

now to jsut get info from the database into my tvguide.php page should not be to ahrd hopefully i am half way tehre