View Full Version : Installing ImageMagick

12-21-2003, 03:34 AM
Installed the OakGallery Hack and all works great except I do not have ImageMagick installed on the server and cannnot get it installed in root.

Question: Can ImageMagick be installed in a domain directory like you can with PHP and Cgi modules? I do not see why not?

I have uploaded all the files and have tried to install per unix instructions through Telnet, but not getting anywhere - getting a "bad interpreter :Permission denied" when trying to run ./configure.

Any helps/ideas on this one?
Anyone willing to install from me (will pay)?


12-21-2003, 10:46 PM
Ok folks, find an easy way to install ImageMagick on a shared server which offers a solution to those that do not have ImageMagick installed on the root and cannot get it installed.

Complete instructions for installing ImageMagick within your webspace through Telnet can be found here:


Installs fine and runs through Oakgallery as long as config files points to the local location of ImageMagick

Hopes this helps others