View Full Version : Help with Review Hack

12-17-2003, 11:45 PM
I am writing my own vBulletin Integrated Review Script for my anime site which outputs a modified thread with new fields and places all the variables on a non-vb page, along with all necessary vBulletin things, such as vBCode and Smilies. One problem i have with my script however is that i have no way in defining an average review score. Can someone tell me how i would be able to do this?

I have added "animerating" into my "post" table. What i want to do is get all the scores from the fields in the post table, make them an average, and place the final score into the thread table under, say "averagerating". Where and how would i place this?

12-22-2003, 11:03 PM
bump -_-

(seems to be a reoccuring thing)

12-23-2003, 12:24 PM
You could do something like this:
SELECT AVG(column) AS number FROM reviews


12-23-2003, 10:59 PM
how would this work exactly?

12-24-2003, 09:58 AM
You would first have to select all the fields from the post, ie.

$ratefields = "field1,field2" ; // replace field1 and field2 with the names of the colums from the post table that you want
// seperate entries with a comma
// $postid varibable should be defined before this code

$ratearray = explode ( ",", $ratefields ) ;
$numofrate = count ( $ratearray ) ;
$ratequery = implode ( ", ", $ratearray ) ;

$r = $DB_site->query_first ( "SELECT " . $ratequery . " FROM post WHERE postid=" . $postid ) ;

$totalrate = 0 ;
foreach ( $ratearray AS $rating ) :
$totalrate += $r["$rating"] ;
endforeach ;

$avgrate = round ( $totalrate / $numofrate, 2 ) ;

Has not been tested but should work, if you have any problems I will help you debug it.


12-24-2003, 11:53 PM
What file is this intended for? I have placed it in my non-vb file and i don't get anything come from it.