View Full Version : Out of place redirects

12-14-2003, 05:49 PM
Hi, When I was installing hacks yesterday they all seemed to work fine so I decided today that I'd check that everything works ok, and I went to the User CP and the Edit Profile, Edit Options, Edit Photo (which I added) and Edit Password all display correctly, but when I scroll down I see the "thanks for updating your profile" message at the bottom and I get redirected back to the main CP page. I cant seem to find anything that's doing this in the templates either. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Also, I havn't edited modifypassword template or any other in that category, only modifyprofile, and that show no signs of any templates added on the bottom by accident.

12-15-2003, 03:07 PM
It was probably a mistake when hacking the member.php or the usercp.php file, but you can try to find your mistake in the file by going over the changes that had to be done for the hacks or by uploading unhacked files and then rehacking. If you're still not sure of a problem let me know and I can try to assist you.
