View Full Version : Need help regaining my old account on here..

12-14-2003, 08:00 AM
Im sorry I didnt know where to post this, feel free to move it or announce it to the admins.

But i had an old account on this forum that i did create hacks under. The user name was CoLoN33. I lost that mail address and was unable to get it back. I was hoping someone if possible could move the ColoN33 account in this, my new account. I just would like the hacks under my belt again... thanks alot if possible. :)

BlackxRam aka Colon33.

12-14-2003, 08:29 AM
I believe you would have been better off posting this in the site feedback area, thats what most people do with things like this.

I'm not too sure on whether they will give you your old account though because they probably see it as the fact that you could be anybody saying its your account.

12-17-2003, 01:47 AM
well, its my account and i can prove that by my old email address and the like... but what should i do then?? just reupload those hacks as mine? Someone move this post to the correct forum?