View Full Version : Delete Attachments Over Time

12-12-2003, 07:08 AM
I would like a hack that would allow me to have attachments deleted after a certain period of time in age per forum.

For example : Forum A has a post that has a image that was attached over a year ago. The attachment would automatically get deleted once it is over 1 year 3 months in since the last person looked at it or delete the attachment based on expiration time from when it was attached.

Example : Forum B has another post with a different file that was attached 8 months also gets automatically deleted because it is 8 months old.

I would prefer the time to be adjustable or at 1 year 3 months and that it post a message saying why the attachment was deleted. I am running vbulletin 2.3.3 at www.stangcountry.com.

To who ever considers this, thank you.


12-12-2003, 10:12 AM
Oh yes, that would be really great. I'd need something like this as our attachment-database is about 0,7 gig and gets larger and larger from day to day :(