View Full Version : Weblog 1.2 help

12-24-2000, 01:13 AM
Does anyone know why it gives me this error right above my news?

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/egamers/index.php:14) in global.php on line 755

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/egamers/index.php:14) in global.php on line 758

It only says that if the user hasn't logged in yet.

Could anyone help me?

I've tried e-mailing AC-3, but I didn't get a reply, so I'm going to try asking here, to see if anyone else could help.

12-25-2000, 03:03 AM
Hmm, someone must know? Please help.. would be very grateful. :(

01-17-2001, 03:44 PM
I am getting the same errors

The lines of code it messes up are

setcookie("bblastvisit",$bblastactivity,mktime(0,0,0,0,0,2020),$cookiepat h);



Here's a cut of that whole area of code

if(isset($isnews)) {
if ($bbuserid==0) {
if (isset($bblastvisit)!=0 and $bblastvisit!=0) {
if (isset($bblastactivity)==0 or $bblastactivity==0) {
if (time()-$bblastactivity>$cookietimeout) {
setcookie("bblastvisit",$bblastactivity,mktime(0,0,0,0,0,2020),$cookiepat h);
} else {

$lastvisitdate=date($dateformat,$bblastvisit+(($ti meoffset)*3600))." ".date($timeformat,$bblastvisit+(($timeoffset)*3600 ));


If someone is able to help I would appreciate it.

01-22-2001, 07:47 AM
Anyone else that is using this, I ended up hacking the news.php to become my index page.

But I am having a weird issue with it somehow double loading the index page.

01-22-2001, 12:30 PM
You can't set or change headers or cookies after any content whatsoever is sent to the browser. This can be as small as a single space above your opening PHP tag. Without looking at your entire code, I couldn't tell you what is exactly wrong but it appears to be that you are trying to set the cookies after you display the screen.

Here is the code I use for the weblog system and it works just fine.



// Newsforum -- The forum that the script will pull news headlines from. Unless you want all
// your users to be able to update your news, you may want to consider limiting this forum to
// Moderators posting new threads...this is easily done via the vB control panel.

$newsforum = 11;

// News Limit -- How many stories should be displayed?

$bfc_newslimit = 5;

$isnews = 1;
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE forumid=$newsforum ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $bfc_newslimit");
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($threads)) {
if ($replycount == "0") {
$replies = "";
elseif ($replycount == "1") {
$replies = "| (1 Comment)";
else {
$replies = "| ($replycount Comments)";
$posts=$DB_site->query("SELECT post.userid, pagetext,user.username as username
FROM post LEFT JOIN user ON (post.userid = user.userid)
WHERE threadid=$threadid ORDER BY postid LIMIT 1");
eval("\$newsbits .= \"".gettemplate("newsbit")."\";");

eval("echo dovars(\"".gettemplate("news")."\");");