View Full Version : Update counters: Quality points?

12-08-2003, 02:04 PM
Hi, I've installed this hack by N9ne found on this thread:


It's called Post Quality Points System! [megahack].

I installed it and it works great on version 2.3.0. There is one disappointement to this hack, it doesn't have an option to update the quality counts. I'm really new to coding and I was looking in /admin/misc.php and saw the coding to update post counts, thread counts, ect.. but I can't begin to figure how I would add a type of:

// ###################### Start update post counts ################

but for updating quality points according to the hack. It has 3 levels of point allocation based on the number of characters in a post. I would just like it to be like it is with post counts. It's retroactive for all past posts and if you make modifications to which forum allows post counts, it gets updated when you update the counters.

The reason I wanted to install this hack was that I could have a post count over quality count to be able to see who has a good quantity over quality ratio. Without that the quality points don't mean that much as some members started the quality points at 400 posts and others at 2000 posts while being nose to nose with the quality points.

I really hope someone can write this because I certainly can't! :p