View Full Version : showthread problem

12-04-2003, 11:32 AM
Hello everyone :)

I'm sorry, I know this post probably shouldnt be in here, yet I'm writting here cause I dont know where should I post this :-/

I've added some users before release my site on the adminstrator panel, and those pre registered users show as "guest" in showthread and dont even, there a example http://forums.joaorp.com/showthread.php?postid=127#post127 look at the first 2 posters title "guest" and all the rest information about them, looks like they are real guests, but then if they send me a PM all shows fine, or if we check on their profile and search for posts its all there :-/

Please if you know how I can fix this help me :)

Much obliged in advance,

12-04-2003, 01:48 PM
Their origional user accounts would have been deleted so they now have a new userid. You can update the post/thread table to change those posts back to the origional user.

12-04-2003, 08:03 PM
mm, it doesn't seem so... cause I mean.. I installed the vbulletin.. modded it.. added the users (they didnt post anything before) I released and they started posting with those "pre registered" users I made for them like the normal who registered when I released, if still be what you said, I dont understand then :( could you please explain? :) (I'm portuguese)