View Full Version : BIG trouble dont know if I am Fried!! HELP

11-29-2003, 03:56 PM
After like 6 months of working on my forum and adding numerous hacks, everything was perfect, 600 users, a lot of visitors 15 registrations minimu a day and 3 new sponsors that i signed a contract for adds this week, everything perfect then murphys law becam e efective...
You see my Hosting company has been bugged by me because the FTP access is very dificult from my account so i did thing very slowly etc etc, yesterday I made a backup of my database, and accesed de FTP part of my Vbulletin software, I changed some parts and the session died (has has been disconected many times before) and when I reenter my forum folder is GONE, I almost passed away at the sight, even my wife said I was pale, took a deeo breath and quitted the ftp program re opened it and yes the folder is GONE also with another parts (less important).
So my situation is:
I have a perfect mysql database (not deleted) and a backup.
have no forum software....
maibe I am Fried but :
If I reinstall the Vbulletin software how do I reattach it to the databse?, will it work? does it have to have the same hacks installed to work, any hints ideas etc woul be greatly appreciated, cause you are almost reading a dead man walking!
:ninja: :surprised:

11-29-2003, 03:59 PM
Ah and by the way dont tell me I am an idiot cause I did not backup my software cause I tried many times but could not (because of the ftp problem)
the irony on all this is that I administer 3 other sites of friends and I have backups of all 3 (the have different service host provider), isnt life wonderfull.....AHHHH

11-29-2003, 04:32 PM
Just upload the modified (with hacks) vbulletin files again and everything should work properly.

11-29-2003, 04:34 PM
That is excatly what I dont have......I am dead as Lennon right?

11-29-2003, 04:35 PM
I have a backup of the vbbulletin fresh but I guess I need to reinstall it I am terified of the new intalation will erase my database....

11-29-2003, 04:52 PM
You don't need to reinstall your vbulletin when you have the original files, the only things wich you need to reinstall are the hacks. And not everything of it, just the file edits and not the template/database edits/changes.

11-29-2003, 04:57 PM
LEt me explain, If I open my backup of Vbulletin (the Original software) it obiously doest have the config p,p file changed and everything it need to b einstalled so if Iopen the software and change the configphp and reconfigure the whole thing it will create a new database, (maybe erasing the old (good) one) thta was my question, since the software I have is "virgin"... any hints ideas would be greatly appreciated, also I have been trying to cantact my SP but its a holiday here in Mexico, I just wanted them to reload the back up the supposedly make averyday, but if they dont answer today the server will make a auto backup with (THE DELETED FILES) and then I am really dead....

11-29-2003, 04:59 PM
Why can't you just install a clean version then upload your old database, and change the database the new vB uses via config.php?

11-29-2003, 05:02 PM
can you be more specific, remember your helping a newbie here.
So I reupload the VB, then I reconfigure config.php with the values it had and run the instlation?
then rehack the hole ordeal right?

11-29-2003, 05:05 PM
Yeah. You Install a clean version of vB (using database 'a'). Then upload your old database. (Lets call it database 'b' for now) then you can edit config.php and change the database name from database 'a' to database 'b'. Then you can delete database 'a' from your server and your new vB will be running the old database.

Then all you'll have to do is add al the hacks again

11-29-2003, 05:13 PM
thnaks at least I see to a 2 weeks of work again "sigh" but I did loose any info right? the forums categories and threads post etc will be there right???

....my behind depends on it
and by the way my Sp will be experiencing hell on earth tomorrow...

11-29-2003, 05:16 PM
Yes. Threads, users, forums etc. are stored in the database.

Also, I would suggest making a couple back-ups of the database:)

11-29-2003, 06:02 PM
The weirdes thing is that my main income comes from recivering data !! can you believe it, and I always have 2 backups of everything, but in this case I could not and I negelccted...where have I heard this before...LOL

thanks as always you are a Godsend